Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Teaching domain Quiz

What is a domain name?

Technically, only an Internet domain name address used to solve the problem corresponds to a method. Can be said that only a technical term. However, as the Internet has become the world's Internet, domain name naturally became a social science term.

Why register a domain name?

Internet darling of the information age, has been out of infancy, as more and more people know, e-commerce, online marketing, web advertising has become the business focus of attention. "Internet" has become a pet phrase of many people.浣嗘槸锛岃鎯冲湪缃戜笂寤虹珛鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ彂甯冧俊鎭紝鍒欏繀椤婚鍏堟敞鍐岃嚜宸辩殑鍩熷悕锛屽彧鏈夋湁浜嗚嚜宸辩殑鍩熷悕鎵嶈兘璁╁埆浜鸿闂埌鑷繁銆傛墍浠ワ紝鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鏄湪浜掕仈缃戜笂寤虹珛浠讳綍鏈嶅姟鐨勫熀纭??鍚屾椂锛岀敱浜庡煙鍚嶇殑鍞竴鎬э紝灏芥棭娉ㄥ唽鍙堟槸鍗佸垎蹇呰鐨勩?


銆??鐢变簬鍩熷悕鍜屽晢鏍囬兘鍦ㄥ悇鑷殑鑼冪暣鍐呭叿鏈夊敮涓??锛屽苟涓旓紝闅忕潃Internet鐨勫彂灞曪紝浠庝紒涓氭爲绔嬪舰璞$殑瑙掑害鐪嬶紝鍩熷悕鍙堜粠鏌愮鎰忎箟涓婅锛屽拰鍟嗘爣鐫?綔绉婚粯鍖栫殑鑱旂郴銆傛墍浠ワ紝瀹冧笌鍟嗘爣鏈変竴瀹氱殑鍏卞悓鐗圭偣銆傝澶氫紒涓氬湪閫夋嫨鍩熷悕鏃讹紝寰?線甯屾湜鐢ㄥ拰鑷繁浼佷笟鍟嗘爣涓?嚧鐨勫煙鍚嶃?浣嗘槸锛屽煙鍚嶅拰鍟嗘爣鐩告瘮鍙堝叿鏈夋洿寮虹殑鍞竴鎬с? For example:

銆??鍚屾牱鎸佹湁Panda娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鐨勬煇鐢靛瓙闆嗗洟鍏徃鍜屾煇鏃ュ寲鍘備箣闂村嚭鐜拌繃鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽涓殑鍐茬獊锛屾寜鐓с?涓浗浜掕仈缃戠粶鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鏆傝绠$悊鍔炴硶銆嬭瀹氾紝涓ゅ鍏徃閮芥湁鏉冧互panda涓哄煙鍚嶆敞鍐岋紝浣嗘槸鍙湁涓?釜锛岄偅涔堬紝鍦ㄥ煙鍚嶇敵璇烽兘绗﹀悎銆婁腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉缁滃煙鍚嶆敞鍐屾殏琛岀鐞嗗姙娉曘?瑙勫畾鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛孋NNIC鎸夌収鈥滃厛鏉ュ厛娉ㄥ唽鈥濈殑鍘熷垯澶勭悊鐢宠銆傛煇鏃ュ寲鍘傚厛鐢宠浜唒锛岃?鏌愮數瀛愰泦鍥㈠叕鍙稿湪鏌愭棩鍖栧巶宸叉敞鍐屾垚鍔燂紝骞朵笖缃戠珯宸茬粡寮??鍚庯紝鎵嶆彁浜鍩熷悕鐨勭敵璇凤紝鍏剁粨鏋滄槸鏌愮數瀛愰泦鍥㈠叕鍙稿凡缁忔棤娉曚互浣滀负鑷繁鐨勫煙鍚嶄簡銆?br />

銆??Internet涓婃湁鍝簺鍩熷悕锛?br />

銆??AC 绉戠爺鏈烘瀯
銆??COM 宸ャ?鍟嗐?閲戣瀺绛変紒涓?br />銆??EDU 鏁欒偛鏈烘瀯
銆??GOV 鏀垮簻閮ㄩ棬
銆??NET 浜掕仈缃戠粶銆佹帴鍏ョ綉缁滅殑淇℃伅涓績(NIC)鍜岃繍琛屼腑蹇?NOC)
銆??ORG 鍚勭闈炵泩鍒╂?鐨勭粍缁?br />
銆??琛屾斂鍖哄煙鍚嶆槸鎸夌収涓浗鐨勫悇涓鏀垮尯鍒掑垝鍒嗚?鎴愮殑锛屽叾鍒掑垎鏍囧噯渚濈収鍘熷浗瀹舵妧鏈洃鐫e眬鍙戝竷鐨勫浗瀹舵爣鍑嗚?瀹氾紝鍖呮嫭鈥滆鏀垮尯鍩熷悕鈥?4涓紝閫傜敤浜庢垜鍥界殑鍚勭渷銆佽嚜娌诲尯銆佺洿杈栧競銆?br />



銆??1. 26涓嫳鏂囧瓧姣?br />銆??2. 鈥?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?鈥濆崄涓暟瀛?br />銆??3. 鈥?鈥濓紙鑻辨枃涓殑杩炶瘝鍙凤級

銆??浜屻?鍩熷悕涓瓧绗︾殑缁勫悎瑙勫垯锛?br />
銆??1. 鍦ㄥ煙鍚嶄腑锛屼笉鍖哄垎鑻辨枃瀛楁瘝鐨勫ぇ灏忓啓
銆??2. 瀵逛簬涓?釜鍩熷悕鐨勯暱搴︽槸鏈変竴瀹氶檺鍒剁殑


銆??涓??閬电収鍩熷悕鍛藉悕鐨勫叏閮ㄥ叡鍚岃鍒?br />



銆??1)娉ㄥ唽鍚湁鈥淐HINA鈥濄?鈥淐HINESE鈥濄?鈥淐N鈥濄?鈥淣ATIONAL鈥濈瓑锛岀粡鍥藉鏈夊叧閮ㄩ棬锛堟寚閮ㄧ骇浠ヤ笂鍗曚綅锛夋寮忔壒鍑?br />
銆??2)鍏紬鐭ユ檽鐨勫叾浠栧浗瀹舵垨鑰呭湴鍖哄悕绉般?澶栧浗鍦板悕銆佸浗闄呯粍缁囧悕绉颁笉寰椾娇鐢?br />
銆??鐩稿叧鍘跨骇浠ヤ笂锛堝惈鍘跨骇锛変汉姘戞斂搴滄寮忔壒鍑?br />
銆??4)琛屼笟鍚嶇О鎴栬?鍟嗗搧鐨勯?鐢ㄥ悕绉颁笉寰椾娇鐢?br />


銆??7)缁忓浗瀹舵湁鍏抽儴闂紙鎸囬儴绾т互涓婂崟浣嶏級姝e紡鎵瑰噯鍜岀浉鍏冲幙绾т互涓婏紙鍚幙绾э級浜烘皯鏀垮簻姝e紡鎵瑰噯鏄寚锛岀浉鍏虫満鏋勮鍑烘嵁涔﹂潰鏂囦欢琛ㄧず鍚屾剰XXXX鍗曚綅娉ㄥ唽XXX鍩熷悕銆傚锛氳鐢宠鍩熷悕锛屽垯瑕佹彁渚涘寳浜競浜烘皯鏀垮簻鐨勬壒鏂囥?顥?br />

銆??涓轰簡淇濊瘉鍥介檯浜掕仈缃戠粶鐨勬甯歌繍琛屽拰鍚戝叏浣撲簰鑱旂綉缁滅敤鎴锋彁渚涙湇鍔★紝鍥介檯涓婅绔嬩簡鍥介檯浜掕仈缃戠粶淇℃伅涓績锛圛nterNIC锛夛紝涓烘墍鏈変簰鑱旂綉缁滅敤鎴锋湇鍔°?鐢变簬缃戠粶鐨勮妯″簽澶у強鍚勫浗璇█鐨勫叧绯伙紝鍚勫浗绾风悍璁剧珛鑷繁鍥藉涓?骇鐨勪簰鑱旂綉缁滀俊鎭腑蹇冿紝浠ヤ究涓烘湰鍥界殑浜掕仈缃戠粶鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵鏇村強鏃跺拰鏂逛究鐨勬湇鍔°?涓轰簡閫傚簲鎴戝浗浜掕仈缃戠粶鐨勫彂灞曪紝鏇村ソ鍦颁负鎴戝浗杩呴?澧為暱鐨勪簰鑱旂綉缁滅敤鎴锋湇鍔★紝鍙楀師鍥藉姟闄俊鎭寲宸ヤ綔棰嗗灏忕粍鍔炲叕瀹ょ殑濮旀墭锛屼腑鍥界瀛﹂櫌鍦ㄤ腑鍥界瀛﹂櫌璁$畻鏈虹綉缁滀俊鎭腑蹇冪粍寤轰簡涓浗浜掕仈缃戠粶淇℃伅涓績锛圕NNIC锛夛紝琛屼娇鍥藉浜掕仈缃戠粶淇℃伅涓績鐨勮亴璐c?CNNIC鐨勪竴椤逛富瑕佷笟鍔″氨鏄煙鍚嶆敞鍐屾湇鍔°?CNNIC瀵瑰煙鍚嶇殑绠$悊涓ユ牸閬靛畧銆婁腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉缁滃煙鍚嶆敞鍐屾殏琛岀鐞嗗姙娉曘?鍜屻?涓浗浜掕仈缃戠粶鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽瀹炴柦缁嗗垯銆嬬殑瑙勫畾銆?br />



銆??1銆佸崟浣嶅悕绉扮殑涓嫳鏂囩缉鍐?br />銆??2銆佷紒涓氱殑浜у搧娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣
銆??3銆佷笌浼佷笟骞垮憡璇竴鑷寸殑涓嫳鏂囧唴瀹癸紝浣嗘敞鎰忎笉鑳借秴杩?0涓瓧绗?br />銆??4銆佹瘮杈冩湁瓒g殑鍚嶅瓧濡傦細hello锛宧owareyou锛寉es锛?68锛岀瓑绛?br />
銆??鍩熷悕鍙戠敓鍐茬獊濡備綍澶勭悊锛?br />
銆??濡傛灉鎮ㄧ敵璇风殑鍩熷悕宸茶鍒汉娉ㄥ唽锛岃繖鏃讹紝灏卞彂鐢熶簡鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鍐茬獊锛屼竴鑸В鍐冲啿绐佺殑鍔炴硶鏄紝鎮ㄦ崲涓悕瀛楋紝鎴栨槸鍦ㄧ敵璇风殑鍩熷悕涓婂姞鈥?鈥濇垨涓?簺瀛楁瘝绛夛紝鎴栨槸閫夋嫨鍏朵粬鍙敤鐨勫煙锛屼笅闈㈡槸鍑犱釜渚嬪瓙锛?br />銆??瀛樺湪鐨勫煙鍚嶄负鍥為伩鍐茬獊鐢ㄦ埛娉ㄥ唽鐨勫煙鍚?br />銆??

銆??涓婇潰浠嬬粛鐨勪粎鏄浣曞洖閬垮煙鍚嶆敞鍐屼腑鐨勫啿绐侊紝鍩熷悕鍐茬獊涔熷彲閫氳繃娉曞緥鎵嬫瑙e喅銆傛偍鍙悜娉曢櫌鎻愬嚭璇夎銆?br />
銆??褰撳煙鍚嶅嚭鐜版硶寰嬬籂绾峰悗锛屾寜鐓х鐞嗚瀹氾紝CNNIC鐨勫仛娉曟槸锛?br />

銆??CNNIC涓嶈礋璐e悜鍥藉宸ュ晢琛屾斂绠$悊閮ㄩ棬鍙婂晢鏍囩鐞嗛儴闂ㄦ煡璇㈢敤鎴峰煙鍚嶆槸鍚︿笌娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鐩稿啿绐侊紝鏄惁渚靛浜嗙涓夎?鐨勬潈鐩娿?浠讳綍鍥犺繖绫诲啿绐佸紩璧风殑绾犵悍锛岀敱鐢宠浜鸿嚜宸辫礋璐e鐞嗗苟鎵挎媴娉曞緥璐d换銆?br />
銆??褰撴煇涓笁绾у煙鍚嶄笌鍦ㄦ垜鍥藉鍐呮敞鍐岀殑鍟嗘爣鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鐩稿悓锛屽苟涓旀敞鍐屽煙鍚嶄笉涓烘敞鍐屽晢鏍囨垨鑰呬紒涓氬悕绉版寔鏈夋柟鎷ユ湁鏃讹紝娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鎸佹湁鏂硅嫢鏈彁鍑哄紓璁紝鍒欏煙鍚嶆寔鏈夋柟鍙互缁х画浣跨敤鍏跺煙鍚嶏紱鑻ユ敞鍐屽晢鏍囨垨鑰呬紒涓氬悕绉版寔鏈夋柟鎻愬嚭寮傝锛屽湪纭鍏舵嫢鏈夋敞鍐屽晢鏍囨潈鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鏉冧箣鏃ヨ捣锛屽悇绾у煙鍚嶇鐞嗗崟浣嶄负鍩熷悕鎸佹湁鏂逛繚鐣?0鏃ュ煙鍚嶆湇鍔★紝30鏃ュ悗鍩熷悕鏈嶅姟缁堟銆?br />
銆??鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽瀹屾垚鍚庯紝瑕佹敞鎰忎簺浠?箞锛?br />
銆??鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽瀹屾垚鍚庯紝鎮ㄥ氨鍙互浣跨敤鑷繁鐨勫煙鍚嶅缓绔嬬綉涓婄殑瀹d紶绔欑偣锛屼絾鏄紝鏈変欢浜嬫儏鏄笉鑳藉繕璁扮殑锛屽氨鏄紝姣忓勾瑕佷负鎮ㄧ殑鍩熷悕浠樺勾璐逛汉姘戝竵300鍏冩暣锛屼粯娆炬柟寮忎笌娉ㄥ唽鏃剁殑浠樻鏂瑰紡涓?嚧銆?鍙﹀锛屽煙鍚嶄竴缁忔敞鍐屼笉鑳戒拱鍗栥?闇?淇敼鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽淇℃伅鏃讹紙鍩熷悕鏈韩涓嶅緱淇敼锛夛紝瑕佹彁浜ょ洊鏈夊崟浣嶅叕绔犵殑鍩熷悕鐢宠琛ㄧ粰 CNNIC ,鍩熷悕鐧昏鐢宠琛ㄤ笂瑕佹敞鏄庝慨鏀归」銆?br />



銆??2銆佸缓绔嬩竴涓湰鍗曚綅鐨勪富椤?br />
銆??3銆佸湪鎮ㄧ殑骞垮憡涓婃墦涓婅嚜宸辩殑涓婚〉鍦板潃銆?br />


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Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Aion" cured stars point to the experience of nurse

MM heal old has recently said to me did not want to play secret elite, as always death experience every day would take more than ten million restoration. Every time I hear these are very surprised, from my 36 elite area brush their teeth begin to die on the very small (in addition to being dragged outside the odd kill). So to write about their experiences, hoping to help.

There are many articles on the leveling line that, I do not say, and can only say that in fact does not cure leveling slow growth of my equipment is not magic. Dan Lian, I took the staff to, can feel the speed in fact, is already very good compared to a guard, I and my friends (he chose the guardian of) all the way leveling up, and when I did not train with him when watching his 鎵撴? that I have crazy speed, and he was great interest in the slowly cut, said efficiency is equipped very well, and I really admire the patience. When cured leveling blame at the election more effort is needed, as fewer blood offensive play high, blame the brush at the same level more efficient. Then talk about double something and cure more than merely increase the blood only, in order to force more efficient. Corrections on the satellite can cure and divine breath, occasionally broken up the previous crimes, to blame the attack speed reduction, without your extra action, but with discipline and divine breath has continued after the strange Diaoxie to make small groups more strange brush efficiency, the ascetic and spiritual force to restore back and forth to use the two skills, you can let your MP will not be interrupted, to ensure efficiency.

And then to equipment choice, I choose equipment is chain A, all slots with the stone of life. Although equip Leather, but still not recommended to wear, because Leather does not increase concentration, focus is very useful to prevent the magic break. As for the cloth, then proposed a brush when the elite do not wear, because the defense is too low, then later to brush out a great time to use BOSS as the MP, after all, a little chain. Play big BOSS MT brush to give blood all the time, wearing a cloth cap MP is much higher, but the basic are the BOSS you can hit the remote magic, Cloth of Mofang high so a distinct role in cloth. I changed the level of equipment are the 28 33-35 class 40. Are the preferred choice of equipment with life, when the level to 32 when the brush to brush Vulcan could spark 35 copies of the green containers, gloves and boots are the same magic with the increase of life and property, very well, so you brush 35 When should cobble together a set of spark, you can dispense with a lot of money to install a whole spectrum of good attributes of blue.

I am currently 40 installed a set of 33 blue and blue jewelry (and all with a life-property) after the HP BUFF with more than 6,000. To brush with a shield and mace when the elite (both life jack 75), strong viability. When the level to 39 should also make the task of running shoes, this time freely interspersed in the elite, it feels very good, I now all come and go freely into the elite zone. Very often, when the door is red in front of me, his teammates followed. Destroy the basic mission of a team are all of a sudden something and caused riots in the four elite teams below basic can easily cope with. Generally when there are usually four against with one guard, sleeping off a mage. This time I will keep winding one. And then to an attack on the relatively high flash, usually head to the remote and inspection, inspection team leader is the kind of looked like a monkey, the explosion hit a very high priority to kill. Flash attack within 20 seconds all MISS very useful. If the team enough DPS in 20 seconds if enough pressure to kill a makes you reduced or dropped if the blood was faster, it depends on DP skills, of course, this also is inseparable with the team, we The do's are done, the rest of his teammates had to watch.

The following briefly tell cured PK, I used to love 40 big group to group PK, because the cure of a large group fighting in the blood can only do simple calculations very quickly, the other is far less because of OBS, OBS are all I play by himself to the top. First of all, the DP 鎵撴? full, and then go. Some rules to follow, the first killed the Master, the second team to do a healing touch. In the encounter of two people to play when you first go to the Master or archers to fight, and the other is the physical occupation if he would add a flash for 20 seconds a person enough to kill you. Always pay attention to their blood when the blood, less than half the time to add more flash recovery. If 1V1, then there would not be if you do not make mistakes basic job can kill me. I have a map of the face of the Master went to Mozu 8 kill each other when we run strange heap, relying on the strength of the other Quanmie strange, it is quite poor cattle. Of course, we rank higher than the other three around. But also very good record, so that cure to play better. In fact, very powerful.

These are some small personal Shaguai leveling experience, AION settings on the cure I think it was quite satisfactory


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Thursday, July 1, 2010

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