Saturday, October 23, 2010

EDI array of 42 disks to restore all 3 groups Raid5 Raiders

EDI6600FF series is a high-performance Fibre Channel storage products, EDI6600FF of a disk subsystem can support 14 disks, when you need more storage capacity, can connect up to 8 sub-systems to achieve the total capacity of 112 drives.

This case is an expansion of the main cabinet and the cabinet composed of the three Group 4 raid5

Fault Description:

As the Raid card hardware failure, resulting in 4 groups Raid5 in the 3 groups on the system is not aware of. Array data is very important, even if replacement Raid card, reconfigure raid information, we can not guarantee data security. After further consideration, the customer decided to find a relatively safe way to back up data and then decide to replace hardware.


The face in front of 42 from the array of pull down the size of the optical interface 146GB hard drive, technical engineer without extensive experience and deep knowledge of data recovery, one can not calm themselves, and second, convince customers. Escort age boys calmly took up the project.

The first step to determine the hard disk block number from 1-42, the first group, second, third fault Raid5 composed by 14 disk. Each raid of 14 tray is not a node 14 disk, but a few nodes in the set are, fortunately hardware engineers in the configuration when the raid made a detailed record, saving the session from 42 of which is a group of 14 disk raid5 time, raid5 disk group to confirm successful completion.

The second step, a step toward analyzing the underlying data raid data recovery is the most critical step, in fact, as long as the analysis of data from a raid5 combination rules out the other two groups also logical. With experience in the future, raid5 is the most common and relatively easy to analyze, unlike HP RAID ADG, Raid1 + e, Raid1 extended so as a. Engineers quickly analyze the data combination rules.

The third step, re-analysis of the data if the data is a key step toward, then re-data is the core technology. Escort times with independent intellectual property "frigate" Raid data re software, data can be reorganized any one of the Raid. Some data recovery companies Whenever an algorithm is more complex raid, with the market of data recovery software can not do it, is deemed irreparable. It is simply not professional skills, with second-rate or foreign cracked version free data recovery software to restore the high-end raid failure, can only take a chance, there is no theoretical and technical support. "Frigate" raid recovery technology, which in theory can prove fault is incorrigible, and which can not be saved.

Problems encountered in practice:

Accidents will happen, people have good and bad fortune overnight. In the data recovery process, the data have not demonstrated before in your eyes, you must not say OK, because there are more uncertainties in the head. Originally thought that the first group of raid failure re very well, did not expect this 14 plate with a plate identification is not normal, and we are missing data in this block of plate reorganization, combination did not expect to find a 70GB disk, when a large number of physical bad Road, we can terminate the program. When they find raid5 in two and two or more physical disk failure occurs, data recovery to the person's mood at this stage is the most depressing and uncomfortable. But the rule of thumb, we decided to have bad sectors on the hard drive alone to be a mirror, and then re-image file. It is not, can only repair a disk does not recognize the piece. Finally overcome all difficulties and successfully recovered all the data.


In the high-end storage device fails, the first thought is the importance of data, in fact, this is a sense of thinking and backup. If the data is very important, we recommend not to make any exaggerated faulty equipment operation (refer to Rebuild, initialization, synchronization of data, to redistribute the raid, etc.), these operations are more fatal, is irreversible. To seek a professional data recovery company, to provide you with a reasonable recovery plan, you can rest assured that your hard drive to send the operating table. Those non-professional company, if asked to provide the array card or server to do recovery, you should consider its technical reliability.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Design art painting - Using Illustrator drawing pattern

Computer graphics software, a considerable portion of the power of making handmade crafts can be omitted, in portfolio design composition and deformation is able to bring about unexpected ideas. Personnel in the design of loss on preferred drawing software, Illustrator graphics for its diverse practices and precise positioning aids, graphic design has become the first choice.

Writing Tools: Illustrator 10

Drawing grid pattern woven

Jingwei Textile composition based on compounds to generate the pattern is very old design. In Illustrator, you only need to "Preferences (preferences)," cut out the "Guides and Grid (auxiliary line and the grid)" dialog box, set a good "Grid (grid)" intervals, and then "View (view) "menu and click on" Show Grid (show grid). " In my experience, it is best to set the grid contains 40 decile per inch, and then enlarge the drawing area 300 to 600% to start drawing. The so-called process is to draw such a large grid of small square tile on the vertical and horizontal direction, in order to quickly save time, you can click on "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to Grid (net alignment Georgia) "A, so that the grid will be very accurate reproduction on the move convenience (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Grid pattern woven

Needs to be emphasized that this approach despite the age-old graphic design but has a very rich decorative effect, is worth trying.

Draw four straight pattern

Continuous pattern is characterized by the Quartet in flat space to achieve this seamless vertical and horizontal launch. This would require drawing a precise positioning aids. Illustrator just provides a very useful "Smart guides (sensitive auxiliary)" mode, the settings in "View (view)" menu. Also needs to open the "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to points (point of alignment)." Rendering process shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Figure four consecutive

1. First, draw a rectangle, and then within the framework of this rectangle and draw the edges of some form. Note that this example leaves the left side of the head contour and shape is clearly beyond the border, or intersects with the left margin of the rectangle. The top of the spiral as well.

2. Select the rectangle and the head contour and leaf shape, the cursor on the rectangle's upper left corner point ("Smart guides" would clearly suggest: Anchor), press the keyboard "Alt" key, copy and move to the right.灏嗘墍澶嶅埗鐨勭煩褰㈢殑宸︿笂瑙掔偣涓庡師鏉ラ偅涓煩褰㈢殑鍙充笂瑙掔偣锛堚?Smart guides鈥濅細娓呮鍦版彁绀猴細Anchor锛夊榻愩?鐜板湪锛屽浘妗堝湪妯悜涓婄殑鏃犵紳鎷兼帴宸叉病鏈夐棶棰樸?

銆??3. 鍚屾牱锛岃淇濊瘉鍥炬鍦ㄧ旱鍚戜笂鐨勬棤缂濇嫾鎺ワ紝杩樻槸鐢ㄤ笂杩版柟娉曞皢鍘熸潵閭d釜鐭╁舰鍜屼笂鏂圭殑铻烘棆绾垮悜涓嬪鍒跺榻愬嵆鍙?

銆??4. 灏嗗墠鍚庡鍒跺嚭鐨勪袱涓煩褰㈠垹闄ゃ?姝ゆ椂锛屼綘鍙互瀵瑰浘褰綔涓?簺鍚庢湡鍔犲伐锛屽皢鏌愪簺绾挎潯鍙互杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互鍔犲己鍏惰瑙変笂鐨勮繛缁劅銆?br />
銆??5. 閫夋嫨鏈?垵鐨勯偅涓煩褰紝灏嗗叾鍙犳斁娆″簭璋冭嚦鏈?墠锛屽苟灏嗗叾杈规绾胯缃负鏃犮?娉ㄦ剰锛岃繖涓?缃潪甯稿叧閿?

銆??6. 閫夋嫨鍏ㄩ儴鍥惧舰锛屽湪缂栬緫鑿滃崟涓嬬偣閫夆?Define pattern锛堝畾涔夊浘妗堬級鈥濄?鐭╁舰妗嗘灦鑼冨洿浠ュ唴鐨勫浘褰㈠皢鎴愪负涓?釜瀹屾暣鐨勩?鏃犵紳鎷兼帴鐨勫洓鏂硅繛缁浘妗堬紝浣犲彲浠ュ皢鍏跺~鍏呭埌浠绘剰褰㈢姸鐨勫浘妗嗕腑鍘汇?

銆??鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎵?皳鍥㈣姳鍥炬锛屽氨鏄皢鍥惧舰娌跨壒瀹氳酱蹇冧綔鍦嗗懆甯冨垪銆傚彜浠婁腑澶栫殑鍥㈣姳鍥炬鍙皳澶氱澶氭牱銆佸紓褰╃悍鍛堛?Illustrator鎻愪緵鐨勨?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆伐鍏峰彲浠ヨ繀閫熷噯纭湴杩涜鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒躲?浣犲彧闇??瀹氱壒瀹氱殑鍥惧舰锛屽湪鈥淏rush锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉块?鎷┾? New brush锛堟柊绗斿埛锛夆?锛岀劧鍚庨?鎷┾?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆氨瀹屾垚浜嗗垵姝ヨ缃?鐜板湪锛屼綘鍙互缁樺埗涓?釜姝e渾褰紝灏嗗垰鎵嶅畾涔夌殑鍥炬绗斿埛璧嬬粰鍏惰疆寤撳睘鎬у嵆鍙?


銆??锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉夸腑鍙屽嚮鏌愪竴鍥炬绗斿埛锛屽彲浠ヨ皟鍑哄叾璁剧疆瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝浠ヤ究杩涗竴姝ョ簿纭瀹氬浘褰㈠湪浣滃渾鍛ㄥ竷鍒楁椂鍏跺ぇ灏忋?闂磋窛绛夌瓑銆?br />

鍥?涓嶅悓鐨勫浘妗?br />


銆??濡傚浘4鍜屽浘5鎵?ず锛屽洟鑺卞浘妗堢ず渚嬶紝鍥炬涓婃柟涓烘墍鐢ㄧ瑪鍒枫?濡傚浘6鍜屽浘7鎵?ず锛屼负浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤銆?br />

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬1

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬2

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤1

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤2

銆??杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾锛岀煩褰㈣竟妗嗚楗板浘妗堟湁涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堜箣鍒嗐?鍦ㄧ‘瀹氫富浣撳浘妗堢殑鍩虹涓婏紝濡備綍杩涗竴姝ュ鍔犺闅呭浘妗堢殑璁剧疆鍛紵 Steps are as follows:

銆??1. 棣栧厛鍑嗗濂界浉鍏崇殑鍥惧舰浣滀负瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屾敞鎰忥紝涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堝簲淇濇寔绾靛悜灏哄涓?嚧锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??2. 閫夋嫨瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屽悓鏃舵寜涓嬮敭鐩樹笂鐨勨?Alt鈥濋敭锛屽皢鍏舵嫋鏀捐嚦绗斿埛闈㈡澘涓富浣撳浘妗堢殑宸︿晶锛屽湪绱ц窡鐫?烦鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑妫?煡涓?笅璇ュ浘妗堟槸鍚﹀凡鏀剧疆鍦ㄤ簲涓畾浣嶆柟鏍间腑鐨勭浜屼釜锛屽鏋滄槸锛屽垯鎸変笅鈥淥K鈥濇寜閽?

銆??3. 鐜板湪锛岀粯鍒朵竴涓悎閫傚ぇ灏忕殑鐭╁舰锛屽皢鍒氭墠璁剧疆鐨勭瑪鍒疯祴浜庡叾杈规灞炴?鍗冲彲銆?br />
銆??鍦↖llustrator涓紝鈥淧attern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濈殑璁剧疆鍗佸垎绮剧‘锛屽彲浠ヤ娇鎴戜滑闈炲父缁嗚嚧鍦扮‘瀹氳竟妗嗙殑涓讳綋銆佸唴澶栨姌瑙掋?璧峰鍜屾敹灏鹃儴浣嶇殑鍥炬锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 鍑ら笩鍥?br />
銆??閫傚悎绾规牱鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??灏嗗浘妗堟斁缃埌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸涓幓骞朵娇涔嬩笌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸鐩搁?搴旓紝鏄汉缁囧搧璁捐銆佸櫒鐨胯璁′互鍙婂缓绛戣楗拌璁′腑缁忓父瑕佽В鍐崇殑闂銆侷llustrator涓殑鈥淎rt brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濆鏋滀娇鐢ㄥ緱褰擄紝涔熻鍙互缁欐垜浠甫鏉ヤ竴浜涙剰鎯充笉鍒扮殑鍒涙剰銆傝濡傦紝灏嗗嚖楦熷浘褰㈠厛瀹氫箟鎴愨?Art brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濓紝鍐嶅皢鍏惰祴浜庝袱鏉′氦閿欑殑寮х嚎锛屾垜浠緱鍒颁竴骞呮き鍦嗗舰鐨勯?鍚堢汗鏍凤紝鏁堟灉濡傚浘10鎵?ず銆?br />

鍥?0 閫傚悎绾规牱



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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dream Team's future

Global PC industry, more rich than people imagine the potential and optimism. According to the authoritative survey data show that the size of the global PC industry has now reached 200 billion U.S. dollars. If you take 10% of which would be 20 billion U.S. dollars - enough to outstanding achievements in a global enterprise. At the same time, the notebook, in this new trend of 3C integration, driven, PC sound and rapid industrial growth. This PC makers brought fascination space.

But the PC industry has been quietly changing the rules of the game. The current PC industry has entered an era of global competition, into a competition between giants. Competition fierce competition involved were, are unprecedented. As the basis of domestic third-largest global PC maker, Lenovo natural pressure is not easy. But the association is confident and the ability to win this Shijizhizhan.

In 2005, Lenovo Greater China sales overall completion rate of 124.8%, double the brand to enhance overall market share to 37.09 percent, the association of leap-forward development of international road map, and wrote a splendid touch. In 2006, with Lenovo's unique dual-brand, dual business model of dream team, as well as international platform edge gradually manifest, Lenovo will also usher in a great future.

In the global PC industry, not a company with such a dual-brand Lenovo (IBM and lenovo) and dual-mode (relational and transactional customers customers) the combination, this unique combination, will bring "1 +1> 2 "effect. In product mix, with its own advantages and characteristics of the lenovo brand and the Think brand, to ensure the independence of one another, while an organic collaboration, strong product portfolio to fully cover the association's reach to the consumer from the business, from SMEs to large enterprises various types of customers. Two-brand synergies to further widen its association with the distance competitors. At the same time, lenovo and Think integrated businesses, but also spawned the most comprehensive international channel system - the former IBM PCD and Lenovo have all the original with "a strong channel," the crowd behind, and now, the total size of the new Lenovo's channel reach a record of 10,000, which means that its Chinese market penetration and influence have reached an unprecedented level of technology capabilities and customer service capabilities are greatly enhanced.

In order to better integrate "Lenovo + IBM" of the brand, Lenovo further optimize the "customer-oriented" strategy, the customer base clearly divided into two categories, one for large enterprises based relational (relational) consumption persons, or by small and medium enterprises and individual consumers based transaction type (transaction) the consumer. Under the dual brand, Lenovo set up a unique dual business model in China, focus on customer relational model, focusing on transactions in foreign-based customer model. In the past, IBM's PC business is about 75% by the "relational" customer digestion; and Lenovo in China has more than half (60% -70%) of the business locked in "transactional" customers - both of complementarity between very obvious. Through "equal treatment of relational and transactional consumers consumers", Lenovo will successfully achieve two major brand business resources seamless. In 2006, the dual-mode will also continue to deepen and improve, through continued strengthening of the brand store, maintain the leading position to build a retail model; small and medium enterprises through the establishment of an absolute marketing model, to enhance the efficiency of sales operations, and bundle-like multi-product sales, the bigger and stronger patterns of local customers. At the same time, established a global collaboration of a large customer sales model, to develop multinational market, this dual-mode constantly with the times, certainly makes the Lenovo invincible.

Legend of the Dream Team, but also rely on Lenovo's team and a large channel power Lenovo. On May 18 last year, Lenovo held a historic Boao Conference, released an integrated distribution strategy, to the world proclaimed the Declaration on the Boao great association. Normandy, followed by a program, the Apollo program. 2005 to create a new track record, provides a powerful support. May 18 this year, Lenovo for the first time overseas, to channel the General Assembly held in Thailand, is also a story to the General Assembly a strategic foresight. This is a Lenovo will also learn and grow, self-transcendence of the coordinated development of the General Assembly. For the higher goals in 2006, accumulated a sufficient strength.

In 2006, Lenovo will be leaps and bounds and writing a brilliant curve. Although the target is very difficult, but we have reason to believe that with independence

Special dual-mode dual-brand and fantastic combination of power, the elite team with Lenovo Lenovo channel partners and large collaborative efforts, combined with Lenovo's acquisition and the potential role of Olympic sponsorship, Lenovo will be able to achieve our projected goals, and create a brilliant performance .

Links: 518 channels of the General Assembly to boost

Lenovo 518 spectacular way with the General Assembly introduced the Lenovo's channel strategy in the new year. The Assembly's strategy for the channel current interpretation of real practical problems for large customers, SMB and retail three major markets, precision deployment, introduced a new channel for the policy year. Channels have a strong response, said they think the market is very clear and precise grasp of the new year's strategy is to channel into a huge boost. 518 General Assembly this year to Lenovo and Lenovo channel partners to close a large integrate won wide recognition channels.

Large customer market for Lenovo's two-brand strategy, channel operators have agreed to this. Shenyang Li Ding Technology Development Co., Ltd. General Manager Yang Pao said: "It 06 fiscal year of double-brand strategy is to associate the previous mode of inheritance and development strategies in the new year, the association of this mode of operation of thinking more deeply, dual-mode and more mature. This strategy is tailored to the situation of the domestic market, which helps dealers team coordination, which makes a lot of dealers benefit. "The market for large customers specific operational practices, channel operators are also very concern. Guangzhou Love Union Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President Wang Jue said: "This year a large customer market, Lenovo strengthened with the channels of cooperation, the two sides work together to develop customers, this is very good, so that channels that more staying power of the." Yang Pao net said: "This year the main direction of our customers clearer and more focused, we are clear in which direction the efforts, this is very good."

For the SMB market, Lenovo's channel partners agreed that this is a significant increase in the proportion of the market, including Lenovo's dual-mode strategy for this market is a powerful guide. Mr. Yang Baochun said: "The dual-mode strategy can be described as a kind of pioneering work in the Chinese market, Lenovo's distribution system, it provides a way out. And dual-mode strategy to make more refined products, will give full play to the strength of channel system, and the strategy most exciting is that it allows channels to achieve a flat, to the channel for more space and avoid the channel conflict, it makes sense for channels Yunzuo. "Yang-day series for the strategy, Yang Pao pure deep Biaoshi Identity: "Young-day channel strategy is very clear, its various systems are also very much in line with China's national conditions, operate very targeted."

Retail market is the incremental market in recent years a large piece of the retail market this year, strengthening the level of 1,4 and 5,6-class market division of the market, made for different markets targeted strategy. Wang Jue told reporters: "Previously in the notebook market, Lenovo's strategy to benefit our company, our laptop is a piece of important business, the market is the largest increment. This year there will be a notebook market is expected to substantial growth in notebook will become the main market. how to take this opportunity that we think important issues. In this year's 518 meeting, I am pleased to see this piece of Lenovo is very deep, for the widescreen, wireless, etc. to grasp the trend is very accurate and realistic market reaction. and Lenovo notebook products, strategies, deployment of all aspects of precision, so that our channel is a very big support. "Yang Pao was pure 5,6 Lenovo consumer desktop class market "million project" is deeply touched, he said: "In other markets increasingly saturated, the association pioneered the development proposed 5,6-level market strategy, others have not yet finished layout before action, this step chess go very clever. 5,6-level market is the highlight of the market today, our company also benefited from a lot of this strategy, 5,6-class market has become one of our important business. this year, Lenovo has also put forward ' million project 'The grand goal, while the channel to support the proposed "ladder" system policy. see, think with a more targeted and feasible way in deepening the development of this market. 5,6-level market outlook unlimited, with the support of these strategies, we feel more energetic of the. "

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Century "chain" war to build the new century Brewery

Century legend of a brand, how to create new glories? Move the China's largest beer group development strategy to achieve the fulcrum of transition, what is it?

Qingdao Beer strategic changes

Supply Chain Management SCM as a new enterprise management information systems, often ERP, CRM linked to people's impression is a pure information technology aspects of things, and corporate growth, development strategy, what relationship? It is how to support enterprises of Qingdao Beer Group's strategic transformation of services?

Qingdao Beer Group's import supply chain to understand the background to help us understand the reasons within. Qingdao Beer Group, frequently from 97 shots in the second half of the capital mergers, from the output of less than 40 million tons, sales and production areas concentrated in Qingdao, a regional production and distribution business, with just less than three years to annex the country the more than 40 breweries.

The result is quick span of Tsingtao beer to become the largest production enterprise, production and sales distribution of the country. But in July 2000, Jin Zhiguo (current president of Tsingtao beer) when the team took over Tsingtao, Qingdao Beer has not enough capacity to do the expanded capital. Tsingtao is not the peak in 2000 after, it caught up in a very difficult state?

Both figures illustrate the answer is no, the first, the success of Tsingtao in 2003 in the form of convertible bonds in order to attract the world's largest beer group AB (Budweiser) Group 182 million U.S. dollars in strategic investments, Tsingtao's H share higher than the A-share market, Tsingtao is now the leader to lead the H shares. Second, Qingdao Beer 40 million from 2000 profits of 426 million achieved in 2003 net profit. No major expansion in the case of mergers, Tsingtao is how to do such a big change?

In fact, this is the strategic transformation of Tsingtao, the result of the introduction of supply chain management. Tsingtao introduction of supply chain management, ERP is by no means as simple as the introduction of information technology, but there is a profound and strategic level. The strategic development of the transformation is summed up in one sentence to the development model.

Growth and development

Business growth and development model which the difference? Tsingtao's success is not on the current reform of Chinese enterprises has universal significance?

Tsingtao's expansion in the year 2000 is entirely capitalized, to go through the capital operation of the incremental expansion of capital development. It is also that China's economic development model of the past 20 years. By increasing investment in fixed assets to generate new value added content, this is the result of the adverse consequences of an overheated economy, enterprises are rapidly fatten. This model has a specific early start in the economic sense, can make rapid economic output bigger, firm size has grown rapidly. However, expansion of certain economies of scale, the efficiency and output of the actual existence of a turning point, the capitalization of income to the marginal benefit of decreasing. Tsingtao Brewery's development is also evident verify the problem.

First, the extension of the expansion to internal integration

Growth and development of the first difference is the Qingdao Beer Group before taking the outward expansion method, is emphasized outreach expansion, strong emphasis on incremental capital investment. As the resources and production capacity of enterprise is related to the potential capacity output is the ideal corporate resources, but few companies are now able to fully achieve the potential production capacity. Potential production capacity is actually less of your total opportunity cost of capital, is your total capital if the number available for other capital gains. Now the domestic industry's average profit is about 30%. Simply do not reach the capital should have output capacity, so the actual capacity is less than potential production capacity.

Qingdao beer after three years, actual production capacity is constantly close to the potential production capacity. This is no expansion in the capital, where the total capital-output and net profit turned in a 6-fold reason. 2001, Tsingtao Beer Group, is an important slogan proposed that the capital investment from the simple transfer of the stock of mining.

To increase the effectiveness of internal integration must. A business can do much depends on three criteria, the first is the product capacity, the second product market there is room for a third the capacity of how strong integration of resources, the three are interrelated, each other a complete system. The actual existence of domestic enterprises have the ability to integrate external resources the problem of weak, the expansion of high risk. Merger to take into account local government policies, corporate culture, business model, quality factors such as enterprise employees, the successful merger is expected to achieve the purpose of business is minimal. Tsingtao acquisition of many businesses also have various problems, such as workers change which technological improvement of production, brand integration, and so on, and some bad business benefits continued to close out the cost is also high, and some inconsistencies in the manufacturing technique must invest heavily in technological transformation and equipment modified to produce the main brand Tsingtao.

Second, the capital M to the external acts of collaboration

Collaborative supply chain management is the greatest value, enterprise development, growth patterns, or whether the development model, eventually reach a collaborative mode. Coordination to reduce transaction costs, enhance the value of collaborative creation, collaboration to create the industry's market position.

Capital acquisitions by the external to internal trading transactions to reduce transaction costs, optimize resource allocation and production costs. But this growth pattern is not the whole and the internal behavior of the coordination is can not reach the desired result.

Conduct collaborative management by creating a set of well coordinated to achieve the standards of conduct transactions cost control, resource optimization and management integration. This advanced virtual enterprise business model, the actual behavior is a collaborative management model outside.

Tsingtao current external integration is an act to go the road of integration. Capital acquisition is a simple process, but the real difficulty is to buy the plant or company What is the purpose? Want to control behavior, to achieve internal coordination, but bought a factory does not mean that naturally control his behavior. If you can not control his production and sales of the meaning of that merger gone, and give yourself a lot of baggage.

Wal-Mart is the world's seventh largest economic entity, the world's largest supply chain, sales, bigger than many countries GDP. All of his Wal-Mart suppliers are specified under the standard production coordination. He did not plant, but the actual production plants than those with better control of the Group. As Nestle, Adidas, no self-built factory, but the behavior of all the plants under his control. Although they do not bear the risk of capital plant, and factories are all related to business practices within their control.

Domestic brands are in the real Wal-Mart, Nestle, the direction of the enterprise development and so on, by the behavior of capital controls to control the path of integration of external collaborative behavior; growth trend from simple acquisition of control of behavior, which is increased to development of the core differences.

Third, strengthen the control of stock resources

Under globalization, the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in there? Product strength, planning ability, cost, sales force? We believe that the cost is still the general advantage of strengths and advantages of channel sales. Channel is the transfer of goods to the Chinese enterprises the main way to the end consumer, channel control, channel information management, channel capacity to face up to promote the development of changes.

Channel model, including supply procurement channels - the core business - distribution channels - the end consumer, the food and household appliance industries, the channel model is in fact a speaker model. Transparent supply chain information is not accurate, will be amplified during transmission channel is usually the bullwhip effect.

Qingdao Beer was the face of this classic effect, Qingdao beer supply is relatively simple, the raw material is mainly barley and hops, daily supplies including packaging materials, like cardboard boxes, bottle caps, labels. But the back is very complex and diversified consumer terminals, determines the distribution network complexity. Beer in bars, restaurants end consumer, you can buy household consumption, the actual is not terminal for the king, but is a channel for the king. So diversified sales model, channel organization of his decision to keep the zoom. Qingdao beer with him one dealer, two distributors, terminal sales staff, said one million sales force is not off.

Channel organization is growing, the organization continues to expand the node, but the members of the control channel does? Most companies are faced with rising sales and profits in the case of no increase in sales is rooted in control weakened.

Promotional costs such as the market completely out of control, resulting in the loss of business each year would be difficult to count. Costs of public goods, primarily through promotional channels to relocate to consumers. Buy one get one free, open bottle of prizes are to do business through the channel, but the marketing costs are not really into the market then? Estimated 50 percent of the promotional costs of all channels were missing, some are a wholesaler away, and some are secondary wholesalers and took them, and some branches away, and plenty of sales manager and took them Only 50 percent less than the cost to the market, and that 50% do not achieve the desired effect, businesses do not know.

The essence of these problems growing external resources, and effective output, but less; outside the organization expanded, but the external control over the organization continued to decline. Qingdao beer face this problem, other mass consumer packaged goods also face this problem, companies must respond to the strategy is to develop from the growth is the core of existing resources must be effectively managed. In the context of this strategy and found that supply chain management is very important to achieve a strategic transformation of the means of implementation.

Supply chain management and enterprise transformation strategy

Based on these growth and development of the model, the supply chain to support the company's strategic transformation of it? Success of the Tsingtao Brewery and abroad empirical study of supply chain enterprises, we can say that the. Enterprises and is the most powerful support of strategic transformation, from a strategic, managerial, technical level it was.

First, cross-enterprise collaborative management strategy

What is supply chain management? The current market competition is actually the chain and that chain competition, rather than business to business competition with your partners and all partners and competitors, the competition. Supply chain management is the coordination of external resources, external resources, the management of collaborative standards.

Strategic Supply chain management is to introduce strategic management tool to the external resources to conduct collaborative management. Now many companies are relying on supply chain success. Lenovo plans put forward three years ago, sales from 20 billion to 50 billion, but still remain in place today. Because dell here, but dell's model is the supply chain. Dell has no manufacturing, and no core technology, which is by the supply chain model to create value.渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗘槸涓?瀹屾暣鐨勬垬鐣ョ鐞嗘?鎯筹紝鍦ㄦ笭閬撻鍩熷埄鐢ㄤ緵搴旈摼绠$悊锛屼笉鏄?杩囧璧勬湰鐨勫苟璐?鏄?杩囧绠$悊鐨勪竴浣撳寲锛屽氨鏄涓氬姟琛屼负鐨勪竴浣撳寲瀹炵幇鍩轰簬鎴樼暐鐨勪緵搴旈摼绠$悊銆?br />
聽聽聽 闈掑矝鍟ら厭闆嗗洟鍑犲勾鏉ヤ竴鐩村湪璧拌繖鏉¢亾璺紝灏辨槸鍩轰簬澶栭儴璧勬簮鐨勪竴浣撳寲銆傝櫧鐒舵病鏈夊苟璐紝浣嗘槸鐜板湪閫氳繃涓氬姟鏍囧噯鐨勭粺涓?疄鐜板苟璐病鏈夎揪鍒扮殑鐩爣銆?br />

聽聽聽 绗簩涓槸鍩轰簬绠$悊鐨勪緵搴旈摼绠$悊銆備緵搴旈摼绠$悊涓嶆槸鍐呴儴鐨勭墿娴佸浣曠鐞嗭紝渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗘渶寮鸿皟鐨勬槸瀵瑰閮ㄤ紮浼村浣曠鐞嗐?杩欎釜绠$悊鏄熀浜庝竴濂楁爣鍑嗗寲鐨勫伐浣滄祦绋嬨?鍩轰簬绠$悊鐨勪緵搴旈摼锛屽疄闄呬笂灏辨槸缁忛攢鍟嗐?渚涘簲鍟嗐?鍒嗛攢鍟嗕箣闂翠竴涓叡鍚岀殑娓告垙瑙勫垯鏉ヨ繘琛岀浉浜掔殑涓氬姟鎿嶄綔銆傛瘮濡備互鍓嶅仛璁″垝锛岃櫧鐒舵垜浠湁erp绯荤粺锛屼絾鏄偅鏄鍒掍笉鏄崗鍚岃鍒掋?渚涘簲閾剧殑璁″垝鏄笉鏄紒涓氬崟鐙棴闂ㄥ仛璁″垝锛岃?鏄垎閿?晢锛屾槸鎵瑰彂鍟嗗仛璁″垝锛岃?涓斾粬浠仛璁″垝涓嶆槸鎸変粬浠殑瑙勫垯鍋氳?鏄寜鐓т綘鐨勮鍒欏仛銆備緵搴旈摼涓婄殑璁″垝鍙互鍋氬埌缂╃煭璁″垝鐨勬椂闂达紝娌℃湁渚涘簲閾句笉鍙兘鍋氬埌缂╃煭璁″垝鍛ㄦ湡銆傜缉鐭鍒掓椂闂村氨鍙互鎻愰珮璁″垝鐨勫噯纭?锛屼粠鑰屽湪鎴愭湰鎺у埗銆佸鎴峰揩閫熷搷搴旂瓑鏂归潰鍒涢?鏂颁环鍊笺?

聽聽聽 涓夈?澶栧寘绉熺敤鐨凷CM骞冲彴

聽聽聽 绗笁涓槸鍩轰簬鎶?湳鐨勪緵搴旈摼绠$悊銆備换浣曠鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熼兘鏄浐鍖栦簡鐨勭煡璇嗭紝瀵规渶浣充笟鍔″疄璺电殑涓?埇鍖栥?鎴戜滑闇?涓?釜绯荤粺鏉ヨ幏寰椾竴鑸?鐢ㄦ?鐨勭煡璇嗭紝鎵?互璇达紝鍋氱郴缁熸槸鍦ㄥ仛绠$悊宸ョ▼銆備絾鏄郴缁熷湪鍙戝睍杩囩▼涓笉鏂湴鍙樺寲锛屾濡傛垜浠殑涓氬姟鏄湪涓嶆柇鍙樺寲鐨勶紝鍩轰簬鎴戜滑浠婂ぉ鐨勪笟鍔″仛鐨勭鐞嗕篃鏄湁鍙樺寲鐨勩?

聽聽聽 闈掑暏鐜板湪瀹炶鐨勬槸鍖哄煙浜嬩笟閮ㄥ埗锛岄潚鍟ゅ湪鍚勪釜鍦版柟璁剧珛浜嬩笟閮紝浜嬩笟閮ㄦ槸涓?釜鐪熸鐨勫埄娑︿腑蹇冿紝鍖哄煙鍐呴儴鐨勭敓浜ч攢鍞兘鐢卞悇涓簨涓氶儴缁熶竴鐨勭鐞嗭紝鍙槸鎺ュ彈闆嗗洟鐨勮?鏍稿埄娑﹁鍒掋?鐩墠渚涘簲閾惧氨鏄寜杩欎釜妯″紡鍦ㄥ仛鐨勶紝涓婃捣鍥介?渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗘湁闄愬叕鍙革紙闈掑矝鍟ら厭SCM椤圭洰鎵垮缓鏂癸級鎸夌収闈掑暏浜嬩笟閮ㄧ殑妯″紡鏉ヨ璁′緵搴旈摼娴佺▼鐨勭鐞嗭紝浣嗛潚鍟ら泦鍥㈡湭鏉ヨ繕鏈変竴涓潪甯告槑纭殑鎴樼暐瑕佹眰锛屽嵆鑱岃兘浜嬩笟閮ㄥ埗锛屽氨鏄敓浜ф湰閮紝閿?敭鏈儴鍜屼緵搴旀湰閮ㄣ?杩欎笁澶ф湰閮ㄥ舰鎴愮嫭绔嬬殑浜嬩笟閮ㄥ埗锛屾墦鐮村湴鏂逛簨涓氶儴鍒躲?渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗘祦绋嬪拰渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗚鍒掍細鍙戠敓寰堝ぇ鐨勬敼鍙樸?骞冲彴绉熺敤鐨勬柟寮忥紝灏辨槸鎵?鐨勫畾鍒跺寲妯″紡锛屾妧鏈疄鐜扮殑鏍稿績鏄厖鍒嗗惛鏀朵笓涓氬巶鍟嗙殑鏍稿績浜у搧锛屽叿澶囧畾鍒跺寲鑳藉姏锛屽氨鏄兘澶熼殢鐫?紒涓氱殑鍙戝睍婊¤冻浼佷笟涓氬姟娴佺▼鐨勬敼鍙樸?闈掑暏鑷繁鍘讳笂渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗗矀涓嶆槸瑕佹垚涓轰竴涓妧鏈叕鍙革紝涓嶅氨鍙堟垚涓轰竴绉嶈祫婧愭氮璐广?鎵?互闈掑矝鍟ら厭閫夋嫨鍥介?鐨凷CM绠$悊骞冲彴鎵?彁渚涚殑澶栧寘绉熺敤妯″紡瀹炵幇渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗙殑鎶?湳瀹炵幇銆?br />
聽聽聽 浠庤繖涓変釜灞傞潰锛屼緵搴旈摼绠$悊閮借В鍐充簡闈掑矝鍟ら厭鐢卞闀挎ā寮忚蛋鍚戝彂灞曟ā寮忕殑鎴樼暐杞瀷锛岃繖涔熸槸闈掑矝鍟ら厭闆嗗洟閫夋嫨SCM椤圭洰涓嶆槸绠?崟浠庝俊鎭妧鏈」鐩嫑鏍囪繖鏍蜂竴涓畝鍗曟?缁村幓瀵瑰緟SCM锛岃?鏄粠钁d簨闀垮埌鍖哄煙浜嬩笟閮ㄨ?鎬婚兘绉瀬鍙備笌鍏虫敞渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗙殑鍘熷洜鎵?湪銆?br />
聽聽聽 渚涘簲閾惧崗鍚岀鐞嗕负浼佷笟涓氬姟鍒涢?鐨勪环鍊?br />
聽聽聽 涓??鍗忓悓鑱斿悎棰勬祴

聽聽聽 棰勬祴鏄鍒掔殑鍓嶆彁锛屾病鏈夊噯纭殑甯傚満棰勬祴寰堥毦鍋氬埌璁″垝鐨勭簿纭紝闅句互娑堥櫎渚涘簲閾句笂鐢熶骇涓庨攢鍞殑娉㈠姩銆備紶缁熺殑棰勬祴涓?埇鍩轰簬鍏徃鍘嗗彶閿?敭鏁版嵁銆佷釜浜哄甯傚満鐨勬晱鎰熷害銆佸鏉傜殑鏁板棰勬祴妯″瀷锛岃繖浜涢兘闅句互寰楀埌瀹為檯鐨勪骇鍝佸悇涓幆鑺傜殑棰勬祴缁撴灉銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍙湁渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗘妸渚涘簲鍟嗐?鐢熶骇鍘傘?鍝佺墝鍟嗐?浠g悊鍟嗐?缁忛攢鍟嗐?闆跺敭鍟嗙瓑娓犻亾鍏ㄧ▼璐?锛屼俊鎭湪鍏ㄧ▼渚涘簲閾句笂娴佽浆锛屾墠鑳藉疄鐜颁俊鎭殑瀵圭О鍜岄?鏄庛?鏈変簡杩欎釜鍩烘湰鍓嶆彁锛屾墠鑳借皥鍒板仛浜у搧甯傚満鐨勫噯纭娴嬨?

聽聽聽 渚涘簲閾句笂鐨勫崗鍚岃仈鍚堥娴嬫槸鍩轰簬渚涘簲閾句笂涓嶅悓瑙掕壊鐨勫叡鍚岄娴嬶紝棰勬祴濡傛灉鍙槸鏉ヨ嚜浜庢煇涓?釜涓婚锛屽疄闄呬粬鐨勫噯纭?鏄緢浣庣殑锛岄?杩囩粓绔晢瀵瑰疄闄呴攢鍞殑缁熻鍜屼粬浠殑缁忛獙棰勬祴锛屽姞涓婃笭閬撲骇鍝佹祦杞殑缁熻涓庨娴嬶紝姹囨?鍒版牳蹇冭妭鐐癸紝鍐嶇粡杩囨暟瀛︽ā鍨嬬殑澶勭悊锛屽緱鍒扮殑棰勬祴鏁版嵁鎵嶆槸鐪熸鍩轰簬渚涘簲閾惧叏绋嬬殑棰勬祴锛屼篃鎵嶈兘鎸囧渚涘簲閾惧叏绋嬭繘琛岃鍒掋?

聽聽聽 鑰岀缉鐭娴嬬殑鍛ㄦ湡锛屾湀璁″垝銆佸懆璁″垝銆佸埌鐜板湪鍙互鎻愬墠鍑犲ぉ浣滆鍒掞紝璁″垝鐨勭簿纭?鍦ㄤ笉鏂殑鎻愰珮銆傝繖绉嶇煭鏈熺殑棰勬祴娌℃湁鐢靛瓙鍖栧崗鍚岀殑宸ュ叿寰堥毦寰楀埌瀹炵幇鐨勩?

聽聽聽 渚涘簲閾剧殑鍗忓悓棰勬祴鏄熀浜庡瑙掕壊鍗忓悓鐨勶紝鍩轰簬澶氬彉閲忕殑鏉ヨ繘琛岀殑銆傞攢鍞噺棰勬祴鏄拰淇冮攢璁″垝銆佺敓浜у巶鐨勮祫婧愯兘鍔涖?娓犻亾缁忛攢鍟嗙殑娓犻亾璧勯噾鍜屽簱瀛樿兘鍔涚洿鎺ョ浉鍏崇殑锛岃?闂存帴鍥犵礌灏辨洿澶氫簡銆傚彧鏈夊熀浜庡鍙橀噺鐨勮仈鍚堥娴嬶紝鎵嶈兘瀹炵幇涓婚娴嬫暟鎹殑鍑嗙‘銆?br />
聽聽聽 浜屻?鍗忓悓浜у搧绠$悊

聽聽聽 浼犵粺椋熷搧琛屼笟鐨勪骇鍝佺鐞嗗疄闄呬笂鏄潪甯歌鍔ㄧ殑锛屽浜у搧鐨勫簱瀛樸?娓犻亾搴撳瓨淇℃伅鎺屾彙涓嶅強鏃躲?涓嶅噯纭?涓嶇湡瀹炴槸澶氭暟椋熷搧浼佷笟鐨勫ご鐤奸棶棰樸?鑰屽鑺傛?鍐茶揣鍐查噺闂涔熸槸澶氭暟鍟ら厭浼佷笟閬囧埌杩囩殑锛屼竴鍒版湀搴曞緢澶氱粡閿?晢灏辨潵杩愯揣锛岃揣涓?嫋鍑哄幓锛岄攢鍞儏鍐佃〃鐜伴渶姹傚姞澶х敓浜э紝鐢熶骇鍘傜殑鑰佹?灏辫刀绱ч噰璐紝鎵╁ぇ涓嬫湀鐨勭敓浜ц鍒掞紝鏈?悗鍗村彂鐜版槸涓亣璞°?璐у苟娌℃湁閿?敭鍒扮粓绔紝鍙槸缁忛攢鍟嗕负浜嗗畬鎴愪换鍔¢泦涓湪鏈堝簳鍐查噺銆備絾鏄墿澶х敓浜у嵈瀵艰嚧浜嗗師鏂欏簱瀛橈紝瀵艰嚧浜嗕緵搴斿晢搴撳瓨鐨勫鍔狅紝鏈?悗瀵艰嚧鏄庢樉鐨勭墰闉晥搴斻?

聽聽聽 鑰屼緵搴旈摼绠$悊涓婂幓鍚庢儏鍐靛彂鐢熸槑鏄剧殑杞彉锛屼竴绾ф壒鍙戝晢鍜屼簩绾ф壒鍙戝晢鐨勫簱瀛樼鐞嗗湪骞冲彴涓婂叏閮ㄦ竻妤氬彲鏌ャ?浜у搧鍦ㄦ笭閬撲笂鏄惁娴侀?涓嬪幓锛屼骇鍝佸湪娓犻亾鐨勯偅涓幆鑺傚彈闃诲洡绉垨缂鸿揣閮藉彲浠ュ湪骞冲彴涓婂彲瑙嗗寲鐨勬竻鏅版樉绀恒?

聽聽聽 涓夈?鍗忓悓璁㈠崟绠$悊

聽聽聽 鐩墠闈掑矝鍟ら厭鍗庡崡浜嬩笟閮?0锛呯殑涓氬姟璁㈠崟绠$悊瀹屽叏鍩轰簬骞冲彴瀹炵幇銆傝鍗曠鐞嗗疄闄呮槸浼佷笟涓氬姟鍗忓悓鐨勫熀纭?拰鏍稿績鎵?湪銆傛垜浠浼佷笟涓庝紒涓氱殑鍗忓悓鍖呮嫭寰堝琛屼负鐨勫崗鍚岋紝浣嗘槸渚涘簲閾句笉鑳界鍒版墍鏈夎涓虹殑鍗忓悓銆傜鐞嗙殑鏈川灏辨槸鎶婅涓虹畝鍗曞寲锛岀鐞嗙殑绠?崟涓嶇瓑浜庣矖閫犱笉绛変簬鏃犵煡锛岃?鏄涓氬姟闂鐨勬竻鏅板垎鏋愬涓氬姟鏈川鐨勬妸鎻°?

聽聽聽 渚涘簲閾句笂杩欎箞澶氱殑鍗忓悓琛屼负锛屽埌搴曢偅涓涓烘槸鏍稿績鐜妭锛熸槸璁㈠崟锛屽洜涓鸿鍗曟兜鐩栦簡鍗忓悓琛屼负鐨勬渶涓昏鐨勮绱犮?鍟嗕笟濂戠害瀹為檯涓婃槸璁㈠崟鏉ヤ綋鐜扮殑锛屽浜庣粡閿?晢鐨勪俊鐢ㄧ鐞嗘槸閫氳繃璁㈠崟绉疮鏉ュ疄鐜扮殑锛屼环鏍兼斂绛栨槸閫氳繃璁㈠崟鏉ヤ綋鐜扮殑锛屼績閿?斂绛栦篃鏄?杩囪鍗曟潵浣撶幇鐨勶紝鐗╂祦鐨勮蛋鍚戜篃鏄?杩囪鍗曟潵浣撶幇鐨勩?

聽聽聽 鍥涖?绮剧‘鍙帶鐨勮垂鐢ㄧ鐞?br />
聽聽聽 闈掑暏闆嗗洟浜у搧浣滀负鏃ュ父蹇?娑堣垂鍝侊紝淇冮攢绛栫暐鍜屼績閿?姏搴︾殑澶у皬寰堝ぇ绋嬪害鍐冲畾浜嗛攢鍞殑杩涘睍銆傝?鐩墠闈掑矝鍟ら厭涓庣粡閿?晢涔嬮棿鍙戠敓绾犺憶鏈?鐨勫氨鍦ㄤ笌瀵逛績閿?垂鐢ㄧ殑瀵瑰笎銆佹姤閿?笂銆傞潚鍟ゅ疄琛屼績閿?垂鐢ㄨ窡浜у搧璧扮殑鏀跨瓥锛屽緢澶氳垂鐢ㄦ敮鍑哄埌娓犻亾2绾с?3绾у悗灏遍毦浠ユ帶鍒躲?鑰屼緵搴旈摼鏈夋晥鐨勪績閿?垂鐢ㄧ鐞嗙瓥鐣ヤ娇淇冮攢璐圭敤绠$悊鐨勫舰鎴愰棴鐜紝闈掑暏鍙互瀵硅垂鐢ㄧ殑棰勭畻銆佺敵鎶ャ?浣跨敤銆佹姤閿?繘琛屽叏绋嬬殑鎺у埗锛屽叧娉ㄧ偣鍦ㄤ笁涓叧閿鍩熶笂锛岀洰鐨勮幏寰楀璐圭敤鐨勬礊瀵燂紝鎻愰珮缁忛攢鍟嗙鐞嗗拰娓犻亾鑳藉姏鐨勬帉鎺у姏銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍏ㄧ▼淇冮攢璐圭敤淇℃伅閫忔槑锛屾牳蹇冧紒涓氫綔涓鸿垂鐢ㄧ殑鏀嚭鑰呭娓犻亾鍚勭骇淇冮攢璐圭敤淇℃伅杩涜鍏ㄧ▼鐩戞帶锛屼緵搴旈摼涓婂悇绾х粡閿?晢瀵逛績閿?垂鐢ㄨ繘琛屽熀浜庤鑹茬殑鏌ヨ锛涗紒涓氬浜庝績閿?垂鐢ㄦ湁浜嗘礊瀵熷姏锛屽缓绔嬭妭绾﹀鏍搞?瀹¤鍜屼紭鍏堟潈椤圭洰鏉ョ鐞嗚垂鐢紝鏇村杩欐牱鐨勯」鐩皢涓撴敞浜庡彂灞曠粡閿?晢绛栫暐锛岄噸鏂拌璁℃祦绋嬩互鍒╃敤涓?嚧鐨勪緵搴旈摼涓婂悎浣滀紮浼寸瓥鐣ワ紱鏉滅粷娓犻亾淇冮攢璐圭敤闈炶鍒欐敮鍑猴紝鍔犲己鏍稿績浼佷笟鐨勪績閿?垂鐢ㄦ敮鍑虹鐞嗐?

聽聽聽 鎴愭湰涓庡埄娑︾鐞嗗垎寮?紝淇冮攢璐圭敤浣滀负浼佷笟娓犻亾鎴愭湰鏀嚭锛屽拰鍟嗗搧閿?敭璐ф瀹屽叏鍒嗙锛屼娇寰椾紒涓氫笌缁忛攢鍟嗙殑瀵瑰笎鍑忓皯涓嶅繀瑕佺殑娣蜂贡銆傛垚鏈拰鍒╂鼎绠$悊鐨勫垎绂伙紝浣垮緱浼佷笟鐨勭粡钀ョ洰鐨勫拰瀹炵幇鎵嬫鏇村姞鏈夋晥銆?br />
聽聽聽 浜斻?娓犻亾璧勬簮鐨勭疮绉?br />
聽聽聽 鍦ㄩ攢鍞鐞嗗拰渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗕笂锛屾洿閲嶈鐨勬槸涓?簺涓嶅彲璺ㄨ秺鐨勫熀纭?鐞嗭紝浣嗘槸寰堝浼佷笟鎭版伆蹇界暐浜嗚繖涓?偣銆傚熀纭?鐞嗕笉閲嶈锛屾瘮濡傛湁寰堝ソ鐨勫競鍦虹瓥鍒掞紝浣嗘槸涓?壒銆佷簩鎵广?缁堢绠$悊涓嶅埌浣嶆槸娌℃湁鐢ㄧ殑銆傛笭閬撶殑缁勭粐缁撴瀯锛屾笭閬撲笂绠$悊浜哄憳鐨勫熀鏈俊鎭紝杩欎簺鍩虹淇℃伅鍦ㄥ钩鍙颁笂寰楀埌绠$悊锛屽舰鎴愬巻鍙茬殑鏁版嵁绉疮銆?br />
聽聽聽 涓氬姟鍛樼鐞嗙郴缁熸洿鏄娇寰楅攢鍞伐浣滅敱绮楁斁鏃犳硶绠$悊鏃犳硶閲忓寲鑰冩牳锛岃蛋鍚戠瀛︾殑绠$悊銆傞潚鍟ょ殑涓氬姟鍛樼鐞嗗彧绠$悊鍒颁竴鎵癸紝鐜板湪瑕佹眰涓氬姟鍛樼鐞嗗埌浜岀骇鎵瑰彂鍟嗭紝绠$悊鍒扮粓绔?涓氬姟鍛樼鐞嗘柟寮忎笂瀹炶绉诲姩绠$悊锛岄?杩囨墜鏈烘潵瀹炵幇閿?敭宸ヤ綔鐨勭洃鎺ф満鍒躲?

聽聽聽 娓犻亾鐨勪俊鎭紝淇冮攢鏀跨瓥閫氳繃骞冲彴浠ョЩ鍔ㄧ殑鏂瑰紡鍚屾椂鍙戦?缁欎簩绾ф壒鍙戝晢銆傛笭閬撹祫婧愮殑绱Н锛岄兘杞寲鎴愬彲瀹炴柦鐨勫伐浣滄祦绋嬨?渚涘簲杩炵鐞嗗钩鍙板氨鏄竴涓浐鍖栫殑鎵ц鍔涚殑宸ュ叿銆傝鍒掔殑鍗忓悓鏄湁瑙勮寖鐨勶紝璁㈠崟鐨勫崗鍚屼篃鏄鑼冪殑锛屼績閿?垂鐢ㄧ殑瀹℃壒涔熸槸鏈夎鑼冪殑锛屾湁浜嗚鑼冪殑宸ヤ綔娴佺▼锛岃瀹氱殑鏃堕棿瑕佹眰锛屽涓氬姟绠$悊浜哄憳鐨勫伐浣滄湁浜嗘湁鏁堢殑绾︽潫銆?br />
聽聽聽 闈掑矝鍟ら厭鏄腑鍥介潪甯稿吀鍨嬪ぇ鍨嬩紒涓氾紝浠栧湪鍙戝睍涓亣鍒扮殑闂锛屼篃鏄洰鍓嶅鏁板揩閫熸秷璐瑰搧琛屼笟锛屼箖鑷冲ぇ浼楁秷璐瑰搧琛屼笟鐨勪紒涓氶潰涓寸殑鍏稿瀷闂銆傞潚宀涘暏閰掔殑鎴愬姛锛屾槸浠h〃涓?鏂扮殑浼佷笟鍙戝睍鐞嗗康鐨勬垚鍔燂紝鑰屼笖寤虹珛鍦ㄤ緵搴旈摼绠$悊骞冲彴杩欎釜鏀偣涓婂崗鍚岀鐞嗙殑鎴愬姛銆?br />


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

VIP guests have the Start menu

First, you do not use my menu

Many readers are people using a computer, as distinguished from all computer with their account login to work. Due to the different needs of all everyone has different installation procedures, so that we often do not want to install the program to others to use, only allows one person to use their own.

To achieve this purpose, there are many ways. The most popular one is to use NTFS permissions to achieve. To achieve this aim must be to ensure the installation process where the partition is NTFS format, then right-click the program's folder to open its Properties window, switch to the "Security" tab, the "Group or user names" in the contents of all deleted, then single Click the "Add" button to add its own account in, then again in the bottom of the permissions "Allow" column, select "Full Control" can be (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Tip: If you are not NTFS partition, then you can "Convert drive letter / FS: NTFS" command to convert; If the Properties window is not "security" tab, you need to open the "Folder Options" window, in the "View" Tags will be "Use simple file sharing" option to cancel (soon to know: how to set the contents of the Start menu).

In addition, we also can make use of Group Policy to complete its operation easier. In the "Run", type "gpedit.msc", in the open windows on the left select "User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Taskbar and Start Menu", double-click on the right of "utility from the Start menu to delete group", to set to "Enabled" to, so to install the program after the current account will only be logged in to access the Start menu, login will be hidden by other users.

Second, to quickly find new procedures

With the increase of installed programs, the contents of the Start Menu, more and more, while the newly installed program generally needs to use to open it is in need of a good time Cai Xing. In fact, we can make the newly installed programs that display to facilitate our search.

In the Start menu, right-click on a blank, open the Properties window, switch to the "Start Menu" tab, select the "Start Menu" option, click "Customize" button will open the window and then switch to the "Advanced" label, select the "Highlight newly installed programs" option, click "OK" button to save your settings (Figure 2), so the newly installed program will be highlighted to facilitate the open use.

Figure 2

Tip: The application is Windows XP appear. So XP start menu style to be used in the "Start Menu" list, but can not use the traditional "Classic Start Menu" style (soon to know: Clear the Start menu task bar bottom right corner of useless items).

Third, more convenient for common procedures

Installed in a variety of computer applications in the use of high and low frequency certainly divided, if we show the same position, so obvious in the open is too much trouble. Therefore, we can use some of the highest frequency of application on the particular position to facilitate access.

To achieve this purpose is very simple, first of all by the previous method to set XP Start menu in the "Start Menu" style, and then click the Start menu in the "All Programs" button, open the program to find a higher frequency of use application, right click on their name, select "attached to the Start Menu", then you will find in the Start menu to display the application, and use the same method to other frequently used programs are also Add over.

Have been added for the application, we can also directly drag the Start menu to change their position from top to bottom, while the lower frequency of use for some procedures can also be removed. The method is to name right-click and select "from the Start menu from the" command can be (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Fourth, to control panel settled

Control Panel, we carried out a variety of settings on the system where, typically access control panel of the Set project, requires several steps for the job that we can add it to the control panel.

In the Start menu, right-click on a blank, open the Properties window, switch to the "Start Menu" tab, there are two situations, if we adopt the "Start Menu" form, so long as its right-click "Customize" button, then open the window to switch to "Advanced" tab, in the "Start menu items" will, "Control Panel" item is set to "display as menu" you can; If using the Classic Start menu style, then click the right side of the same The "Custom" button, and then in the window select "Control Panel Extension" option, click "OK" button.

Also the same effect with the start menu is right click menu, introduced in add more context menu options, make it more powerful, so as long as the right light it mildly, you can easily complete a variety of troublesome operation of the original, so that the daily computer operations become easier and happier.

5, so that the Start Menu Categories

Although the installation of various applications have different functions, but in general it can be divided into working class, entertainment, lifestyle, and several other categories. If the classification of these procedures put up, so that when opened will be significantly more convenient (faster to know: the Start menu to find the My Computer icon).

Click the "Start" button in the "Programs" item on right click, select "Open", then open the window a few new folders, and they were named as the corresponding category names, then the program folder the corresponding transfer of program shortcuts to each category. This time we re-open the Start menu, you will find the list of programs has been classified in various menu displays (Figure 4).

Figure 4

Tip: item in the program, we can drag the shortcut to the program, place it to the appropriate category name to add the classification of fast.

After this series of optimization, I believe we have felt the unique VIP Start menu instead. In fact, the process of using the computer, as long as you are willing to digest, will find everywhere skills, to master these techniques will play a multiplier effect.

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What is a domain name?

Technically, only an Internet domain name address used to solve the problem corresponds to a method. Can be said that only a technical term. However, as the Internet has become the world's Internet, domain name naturally became a social science term.

Why register a domain name?

Internet darling of the information age, has been out of infancy, as more and more people know, e-commerce, online marketing, web advertising has become the business focus of attention. "Internet" has become a pet phrase of many people.浣嗘槸锛岃鎯冲湪缃戜笂寤虹珛鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ彂甯冧俊鎭紝鍒欏繀椤婚鍏堟敞鍐岃嚜宸辩殑鍩熷悕锛屽彧鏈夋湁浜嗚嚜宸辩殑鍩熷悕鎵嶈兘璁╁埆浜鸿闂埌鑷繁銆傛墍浠ワ紝鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鏄湪浜掕仈缃戜笂寤虹珛浠讳綍鏈嶅姟鐨勫熀纭??鍚屾椂锛岀敱浜庡煙鍚嶇殑鍞竴鎬э紝灏芥棭娉ㄥ唽鍙堟槸鍗佸垎蹇呰鐨勩?


銆??鐢变簬鍩熷悕鍜屽晢鏍囬兘鍦ㄥ悇鑷殑鑼冪暣鍐呭叿鏈夊敮涓??锛屽苟涓旓紝闅忕潃Internet鐨勫彂灞曪紝浠庝紒涓氭爲绔嬪舰璞$殑瑙掑害鐪嬶紝鍩熷悕鍙堜粠鏌愮鎰忎箟涓婅锛屽拰鍟嗘爣鐫?綔绉婚粯鍖栫殑鑱旂郴銆傛墍浠ワ紝瀹冧笌鍟嗘爣鏈変竴瀹氱殑鍏卞悓鐗圭偣銆傝澶氫紒涓氬湪閫夋嫨鍩熷悕鏃讹紝寰?線甯屾湜鐢ㄥ拰鑷繁浼佷笟鍟嗘爣涓?嚧鐨勫煙鍚嶃?浣嗘槸锛屽煙鍚嶅拰鍟嗘爣鐩告瘮鍙堝叿鏈夋洿寮虹殑鍞竴鎬с? For example:

銆??鍚屾牱鎸佹湁Panda娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鐨勬煇鐢靛瓙闆嗗洟鍏徃鍜屾煇鏃ュ寲鍘備箣闂村嚭鐜拌繃鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽涓殑鍐茬獊锛屾寜鐓с?涓浗浜掕仈缃戠粶鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鏆傝绠$悊鍔炴硶銆嬭瀹氾紝涓ゅ鍏徃閮芥湁鏉冧互panda涓哄煙鍚嶆敞鍐岋紝浣嗘槸鍙湁涓?釜锛岄偅涔堬紝鍦ㄥ煙鍚嶇敵璇烽兘绗﹀悎銆婁腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉缁滃煙鍚嶆敞鍐屾殏琛岀鐞嗗姙娉曘?瑙勫畾鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛孋NNIC鎸夌収鈥滃厛鏉ュ厛娉ㄥ唽鈥濈殑鍘熷垯澶勭悊鐢宠銆傛煇鏃ュ寲鍘傚厛鐢宠浜唒锛岃?鏌愮數瀛愰泦鍥㈠叕鍙稿湪鏌愭棩鍖栧巶宸叉敞鍐屾垚鍔燂紝骞朵笖缃戠珯宸茬粡寮??鍚庯紝鎵嶆彁浜鍩熷悕鐨勭敵璇凤紝鍏剁粨鏋滄槸鏌愮數瀛愰泦鍥㈠叕鍙稿凡缁忔棤娉曚互浣滀负鑷繁鐨勫煙鍚嶄簡銆?br />

銆??Internet涓婃湁鍝簺鍩熷悕锛?br />

銆??AC 绉戠爺鏈烘瀯
銆??COM 宸ャ?鍟嗐?閲戣瀺绛変紒涓?br />銆??EDU 鏁欒偛鏈烘瀯
銆??GOV 鏀垮簻閮ㄩ棬
銆??NET 浜掕仈缃戠粶銆佹帴鍏ョ綉缁滅殑淇℃伅涓績(NIC)鍜岃繍琛屼腑蹇?NOC)
銆??ORG 鍚勭闈炵泩鍒╂?鐨勭粍缁?br />
銆??琛屾斂鍖哄煙鍚嶆槸鎸夌収涓浗鐨勫悇涓鏀垮尯鍒掑垝鍒嗚?鎴愮殑锛屽叾鍒掑垎鏍囧噯渚濈収鍘熷浗瀹舵妧鏈洃鐫e眬鍙戝竷鐨勫浗瀹舵爣鍑嗚?瀹氾紝鍖呮嫭鈥滆鏀垮尯鍩熷悕鈥?4涓紝閫傜敤浜庢垜鍥界殑鍚勭渷銆佽嚜娌诲尯銆佺洿杈栧競銆?br />



銆??1. 26涓嫳鏂囧瓧姣?br />銆??2. 鈥?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?锛?鈥濆崄涓暟瀛?br />銆??3. 鈥?鈥濓紙鑻辨枃涓殑杩炶瘝鍙凤級

銆??浜屻?鍩熷悕涓瓧绗︾殑缁勫悎瑙勫垯锛?br />
銆??1. 鍦ㄥ煙鍚嶄腑锛屼笉鍖哄垎鑻辨枃瀛楁瘝鐨勫ぇ灏忓啓
銆??2. 瀵逛簬涓?釜鍩熷悕鐨勯暱搴︽槸鏈変竴瀹氶檺鍒剁殑


銆??涓??閬电収鍩熷悕鍛藉悕鐨勫叏閮ㄥ叡鍚岃鍒?br />



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銆??2)鍏紬鐭ユ檽鐨勫叾浠栧浗瀹舵垨鑰呭湴鍖哄悕绉般?澶栧浗鍦板悕銆佸浗闄呯粍缁囧悕绉颁笉寰椾娇鐢?br />
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銆??4)琛屼笟鍚嶇О鎴栬?鍟嗗搧鐨勯?鐢ㄥ悕绉颁笉寰椾娇鐢?br />


銆??7)缁忓浗瀹舵湁鍏抽儴闂紙鎸囬儴绾т互涓婂崟浣嶏級姝e紡鎵瑰噯鍜岀浉鍏冲幙绾т互涓婏紙鍚幙绾э級浜烘皯鏀垮簻姝e紡鎵瑰噯鏄寚锛岀浉鍏虫満鏋勮鍑烘嵁涔﹂潰鏂囦欢琛ㄧず鍚屾剰XXXX鍗曚綅娉ㄥ唽XXX鍩熷悕銆傚锛氳鐢宠鍩熷悕锛屽垯瑕佹彁渚涘寳浜競浜烘皯鏀垮簻鐨勬壒鏂囥?顥?br />

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銆??1銆佸崟浣嶅悕绉扮殑涓嫳鏂囩缉鍐?br />銆??2銆佷紒涓氱殑浜у搧娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣
銆??3銆佷笌浼佷笟骞垮憡璇竴鑷寸殑涓嫳鏂囧唴瀹癸紝浣嗘敞鎰忎笉鑳借秴杩?0涓瓧绗?br />銆??4銆佹瘮杈冩湁瓒g殑鍚嶅瓧濡傦細hello锛宧owareyou锛寉es锛?68锛岀瓑绛?br />
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銆??涓婇潰浠嬬粛鐨勪粎鏄浣曞洖閬垮煙鍚嶆敞鍐屼腑鐨勫啿绐侊紝鍩熷悕鍐茬獊涔熷彲閫氳繃娉曞緥鎵嬫瑙e喅銆傛偍鍙悜娉曢櫌鎻愬嚭璇夎銆?br />
銆??褰撳煙鍚嶅嚭鐜版硶寰嬬籂绾峰悗锛屾寜鐓х鐞嗚瀹氾紝CNNIC鐨勫仛娉曟槸锛?br />

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銆??褰撴煇涓笁绾у煙鍚嶄笌鍦ㄦ垜鍥藉鍐呮敞鍐岀殑鍟嗘爣鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鐩稿悓锛屽苟涓旀敞鍐屽煙鍚嶄笉涓烘敞鍐屽晢鏍囨垨鑰呬紒涓氬悕绉版寔鏈夋柟鎷ユ湁鏃讹紝娉ㄥ唽鍟嗘爣鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鎸佹湁鏂硅嫢鏈彁鍑哄紓璁紝鍒欏煙鍚嶆寔鏈夋柟鍙互缁х画浣跨敤鍏跺煙鍚嶏紱鑻ユ敞鍐屽晢鏍囨垨鑰呬紒涓氬悕绉版寔鏈夋柟鎻愬嚭寮傝锛屽湪纭鍏舵嫢鏈夋敞鍐屽晢鏍囨潈鎴栬?浼佷笟鍚嶇О鏉冧箣鏃ヨ捣锛屽悇绾у煙鍚嶇鐞嗗崟浣嶄负鍩熷悕鎸佹湁鏂逛繚鐣?0鏃ュ煙鍚嶆湇鍔★紝30鏃ュ悗鍩熷悕鏈嶅姟缁堟銆?br />
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銆??鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽瀹屾垚鍚庯紝鎮ㄥ氨鍙互浣跨敤鑷繁鐨勫煙鍚嶅缓绔嬬綉涓婄殑瀹d紶绔欑偣锛屼絾鏄紝鏈変欢浜嬫儏鏄笉鑳藉繕璁扮殑锛屽氨鏄紝姣忓勾瑕佷负鎮ㄧ殑鍩熷悕浠樺勾璐逛汉姘戝竵300鍏冩暣锛屼粯娆炬柟寮忎笌娉ㄥ唽鏃剁殑浠樻鏂瑰紡涓?嚧銆?鍙﹀锛屽煙鍚嶄竴缁忔敞鍐屼笉鑳戒拱鍗栥?闇?淇敼鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽淇℃伅鏃讹紙鍩熷悕鏈韩涓嶅緱淇敼锛夛紝瑕佹彁浜ょ洊鏈夊崟浣嶅叕绔犵殑鍩熷悕鐢宠琛ㄧ粰 CNNIC ,鍩熷悕鐧昏鐢宠琛ㄤ笂瑕佹敞鏄庝慨鏀归」銆?br />



銆??2銆佸缓绔嬩竴涓湰鍗曚綅鐨勪富椤?br />
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Aion" cured stars point to the experience of nurse

MM heal old has recently said to me did not want to play secret elite, as always death experience every day would take more than ten million restoration. Every time I hear these are very surprised, from my 36 elite area brush their teeth begin to die on the very small (in addition to being dragged outside the odd kill). So to write about their experiences, hoping to help.

There are many articles on the leveling line that, I do not say, and can only say that in fact does not cure leveling slow growth of my equipment is not magic. Dan Lian, I took the staff to, can feel the speed in fact, is already very good compared to a guard, I and my friends (he chose the guardian of) all the way leveling up, and when I did not train with him when watching his 鎵撴? that I have crazy speed, and he was great interest in the slowly cut, said efficiency is equipped very well, and I really admire the patience. When cured leveling blame at the election more effort is needed, as fewer blood offensive play high, blame the brush at the same level more efficient. Then talk about double something and cure more than merely increase the blood only, in order to force more efficient. Corrections on the satellite can cure and divine breath, occasionally broken up the previous crimes, to blame the attack speed reduction, without your extra action, but with discipline and divine breath has continued after the strange Diaoxie to make small groups more strange brush efficiency, the ascetic and spiritual force to restore back and forth to use the two skills, you can let your MP will not be interrupted, to ensure efficiency.

And then to equipment choice, I choose equipment is chain A, all slots with the stone of life. Although equip Leather, but still not recommended to wear, because Leather does not increase concentration, focus is very useful to prevent the magic break. As for the cloth, then proposed a brush when the elite do not wear, because the defense is too low, then later to brush out a great time to use BOSS as the MP, after all, a little chain. Play big BOSS MT brush to give blood all the time, wearing a cloth cap MP is much higher, but the basic are the BOSS you can hit the remote magic, Cloth of Mofang high so a distinct role in cloth. I changed the level of equipment are the 28 33-35 class 40. Are the preferred choice of equipment with life, when the level to 32 when the brush to brush Vulcan could spark 35 copies of the green containers, gloves and boots are the same magic with the increase of life and property, very well, so you brush 35 When should cobble together a set of spark, you can dispense with a lot of money to install a whole spectrum of good attributes of blue.

I am currently 40 installed a set of 33 blue and blue jewelry (and all with a life-property) after the HP BUFF with more than 6,000. To brush with a shield and mace when the elite (both life jack 75), strong viability. When the level to 39 should also make the task of running shoes, this time freely interspersed in the elite, it feels very good, I now all come and go freely into the elite zone. Very often, when the door is red in front of me, his teammates followed. Destroy the basic mission of a team are all of a sudden something and caused riots in the four elite teams below basic can easily cope with. Generally when there are usually four against with one guard, sleeping off a mage. This time I will keep winding one. And then to an attack on the relatively high flash, usually head to the remote and inspection, inspection team leader is the kind of looked like a monkey, the explosion hit a very high priority to kill. Flash attack within 20 seconds all MISS very useful. If the team enough DPS in 20 seconds if enough pressure to kill a makes you reduced or dropped if the blood was faster, it depends on DP skills, of course, this also is inseparable with the team, we The do's are done, the rest of his teammates had to watch.

The following briefly tell cured PK, I used to love 40 big group to group PK, because the cure of a large group fighting in the blood can only do simple calculations very quickly, the other is far less because of OBS, OBS are all I play by himself to the top. First of all, the DP 鎵撴? full, and then go. Some rules to follow, the first killed the Master, the second team to do a healing touch. In the encounter of two people to play when you first go to the Master or archers to fight, and the other is the physical occupation if he would add a flash for 20 seconds a person enough to kill you. Always pay attention to their blood when the blood, less than half the time to add more flash recovery. If 1V1, then there would not be if you do not make mistakes basic job can kill me. I have a map of the face of the Master went to Mozu 8 kill each other when we run strange heap, relying on the strength of the other Quanmie strange, it is quite poor cattle. Of course, we rank higher than the other three around. But also very good record, so that cure to play better. In fact, very powerful.

These are some small personal Shaguai leveling experience, AION settings on the cure I think it was quite satisfactory


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Thursday, July 1, 2010

AllRipper DVD Editor

AllRipper DVD Editor is a powerful and easy-to-use DVD tool, which provides advanced storyboard and timeline editing. Hundreds of effects, including video and text overlay, and chromakey effect, lots of filters and transitions will allow you to create impressive videos, slide-shows and more. Make your home video and save it in format that you need. For your additional convenience we redesigned burning manager in the following way: now DVD, VCD/SVCD and MPEG4 formats are separated from each other to avoid confusion when selecting an appropriate format. Now you can select, adjust or just learn the aspect ratio of your video. The new version provides you with more flexibilty in controlling your video processing. Choose 16:9 (widescreen format) or 4:3 (fullscreen format) aspect ratio according to your liking.An included full-featured Audio Editor, will let you to alter, trim and mix audio tracks for your video project. Moreover you can select and edit necessary audio tracks in AVI and DVD files. Friendly and understandable interface allows you to perform all the operations quick and easily. AVS Video Editor presents a perfect combination of attractive price and high-quality performance.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

AlltoDVD MPEG to MP4

AlltoDVD MPEG to MP4 is a best video and movie converter to MP4 Movie software! This product offers convert all popular formats to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video/ movie, Easy Convert DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. AlltoDVD MPEG to MP4 helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format! AlltoDVD MPEG to MP4 is the fastest Rip DVD movie to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video, you can convert almost all kinds of MPEG to MP44 format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. AlltoDVD MP4 Suite supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Youtube to MAC Freeware

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Internet TV Player

Internet TV Player allows you to watch directly over 800 free Internet TV channels from your PC. All Internet TV Stations are from 100+ countries with nearly 100 different languages (English, Spanish, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Russian....). No any additional equipment required. All you need is keep your pc connecting with effective Internet, and then you could receive TV channels from around world. Internet TV Player provides Music, News, Educational, Sports & Shopping channels. It is a good method of watching free movies, music videos, international programs and learning languages. Powerful search can help you find your loving channels easily. Internet TV Player supports the screen that can be set to any size and full-screen mode. Internet TV Player supports multi-windows to play TV channels. You can open 6 windows at the same time, which could save your time under slow Internet connection. Internet TV Player supports multiple formats (Windows Media & RealVideo). You can play most formats online media in one program. You don't care about the format of live TV. Internet TV Player will switch automatically between these formats. It is unnecessary to learn or remember anything and setup. All you have to do is find your favorite stations from TV list, click on the Play button, and then enjoy it.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SuperBurner Blackberry Converter

SuperBurner Blackberry Converter is a professional video converter to convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Blackberry MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Blackberry. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Blackberry.

Recommand Link:

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

iWellsoft Video to PSP Converter

iWellsoft Video to PSP Converter is a powerful PSP converter which can convert almost all popular video formats to PSP ,AAC ,M4A ,MP3 clips and play them in PSP or other software PSP player. It can convert almost all video formats, for e.g., DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV/ASF, MPG, MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2), MP4, M4V, MOV/QT (QuickTime), VCD, VOB, RM, RMVB to PSP Video format and MP3, M4A, AAC audio formats. It is an extremely easy to use video converter which can convert AVI to PSP, MPEG to PSP, WMV to PSP, MOV to PSP etc.
It is the most important to cut any part of the movie which you like. With variable settings and fast converting speed, it is an vogue, high quality PSP video encoder.

Support Set the start position and end position of source file to convert.
Support almost all popular video files.
Support Batch files conversion.
Automatically shutdown your computer when the conversion has been completed.
Automatically show your directory when the conversion has been completed.

Recommand Link:

Tod conversion to h.264

Monday, April 5, 2010

Youtube Movie to Palm OS Value

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

convert mpg to m4r

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

AVS-Media Video Tools

AVS-Media Video Tools packs 4 tools that are designed to meet your most various video tasks!
AVS Video Converter converts between all key formats such as: DAVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (inc. Sony PSP and Apple iPod), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO,MPG, MPEG 1,2,4, DAT, VCD, SVCD, ASF, ASX, MJPEG, H.263, H.264, Real Video (RM, RMVB), DVR-MS, MKV, OGM, FLV and like no other converter uploads movies, home videos, TVs, directly to your portable device at one go. AVS Video Converter allows you to create exciting movie DVDs to watch on your home DVD Player.
With AVS Video Converter you can apply more than 50 video and audio effects, extract audio tracks, make still pictures of your favorite or hot movie moments.
AVS DVDtoGo, a smart wizard-styled tool, copies movies and converts just any video to iPod, Sony PSP, Archos, Zen Creative, mobile or a portable media player with one-click. You don?t need to puzzle over best output parameters ? AVS DVDtoGo automatically sets them to be 100% fitting your device!
AVS Capture Wizard helps you create home video masterpieces from the first run. The tool transfers videos directly to DVD from VHS tapes, DV or web cameras, TV tuners and even DVB-S, DVB-T or paid satellite channels! You can then enjoy your favorite shows on most DVD Players in use today.
AVS Video ReMaker, a fast MPEG files editor, removes TV ads or just unwanted parts on the fly from DVDs or video files recorded with various DVD , PVR& DVR camcorders. Edited without reconverting DVDs or video files retain their original superb quality. The scene detection algorithm scans video and splits it into episodes making the editing routine most accurate and handy.


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Saturday, March 13, 2010

ImTOO AVI to DVD Converter

ImTOO AVI to DVD Converter is a fast, high quality AVI files to DVD converter which helps you convert AVI to DVD, convert MPEG, DAT, VOB etc. to DVD, and burn these video formats to DVD disc directly. It allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn AVI to DVD disc or ISO file. So easy to use and fast than ever before, just one click to burn AVI to DVD!

ImTOO AVI to DVD Converter is a fast and easy to use AVI to DVD converter and AVI to DVD burner. It can convert MPEG, DivX, AVI to DVD as an AVI converter, and burn DVD playable on home DVD player as a DVD converter and burner for you to play it on your home DVD player.
The AVI to DVD Converter provides many brilliant DVD menus for your DVD authoring, supports DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW. So easy to use and fast in speed that just one click is enough to burn AVI to DVD!
It allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn either DVD disc or ISO file to give you excellent quality on TV screen.

Recommand Link:

change swf to m4v

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Youtube Movie to Palm OS Plus

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

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Friday, February 26, 2010

ImTOO 3GP Video Converter pro

ImTOO 3GP Video Converter is the Best 3GP converter to convert MPEG to 3GP, 3GP to MPEG. The 3GP Video Converter can also convert MPEG, AVI, H.264, RM, MP4, MOV, WMV, etc. to 3GP video, convert 3GP video clip to MPEG and AVI. Download ImTOO 3GP Video Converter for free and convert 3GP movies playable on Motorola, Nokia mobile phone or other 3GP video player software now!?ImTOO 3GP Video Converter pro is extremely easy to use 3G2 converter, 3GP converter software which makes processes of 3GP converting a breeze by automating all tasks with the best video quality.?No other 3GP converter supports so comprehensive video/audio files including 3GP, MPEG, AVI, GIF, WMV, H.264, WMA, WAV, MP3, MP4, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. than ImTOO 3GP Video Converter. By building in lots of codecs, APE& CUE decoding and CD audio ripping, this 3GP Converter is your best choice.?With variable settings and fast converting speed, ImTOO 3GP Video Converter pro is an affordable, high quality 3GP converter worthy of own!?


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Monday, February 22, 2010

iPod Movie Converter Suite

iPod Movie Converter Suite is an all-in-one tool to convert DVD and video files to iPod format. This suite consists of DVD to iPod Ripper Plus and Video to iPod Converter Plus.
The first program will convert your DVD to iPod(MP4), VCD,SVCD,AVI,MPEG or DivX. The other program will convert your videos (AVI,MPG,Quicktime,Realmedia,Windows Media Format and others) to iPod format.

- Convert DVDs to iPod formats
- Convert videos to iPod formats
- Efficient conversion technology
- Real time video conversion ensure fast conversion

Recommand Link:

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Hot-time MOV Converter

Hot-time MOV Converter is a All-in-One powerful tool, is easy convert MOV video to AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD video converter. The main features include: Batch convert MOV, QT files to AVI, MPEG, VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV formats; Support different AVI video Codecs, such as DivX, Xvid, MPEG4; NTSC/PAL setting options for DVD, VCD, SVCD exporting; Change the framerate, image size etc as you like. Very user-friendly interface and easy to use. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Key Features: Convert MOV to AVI, MOV to DivX, MOV to Xvid Convert MOV to MPEG1, MOV to MPEG2 Convert MOV to VCD, MOV to SVCD, MOV to DVD Convert MOV to WMV, MOV to ASF Support .mov, .qt files Support Batch convert NTSC/PAL setting option Support large video files, even large then 2GB Very fast and without any quality loss Very user-friendly interface.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Avex-Zune Video Converter

Avex Zune Video Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos (and many more) to Zune's WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. The software features superb video & audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use. Features: (1) Convert AVI, DivX/Xvid, MPEG, Tivo, WMV, RM, MOV videos, etc to Zune WMV or MP4 video (2) Support WMV, H.264 and MPEG4 video used in Microsoft Zune (3) Built-in X!-Speed transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional converter. (5) Optimized settings for superb video playback on Microsoft Zune (6) Support conversion in batch mode.

Recommand Link:

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