Thursday, October 14, 2010

Design art painting - Using Illustrator drawing pattern

Computer graphics software, a considerable portion of the power of making handmade crafts can be omitted, in portfolio design composition and deformation is able to bring about unexpected ideas. Personnel in the design of loss on preferred drawing software, Illustrator graphics for its diverse practices and precise positioning aids, graphic design has become the first choice.

Writing Tools: Illustrator 10

Drawing grid pattern woven

Jingwei Textile composition based on compounds to generate the pattern is very old design. In Illustrator, you only need to "Preferences (preferences)," cut out the "Guides and Grid (auxiliary line and the grid)" dialog box, set a good "Grid (grid)" intervals, and then "View (view) "menu and click on" Show Grid (show grid). " In my experience, it is best to set the grid contains 40 decile per inch, and then enlarge the drawing area 300 to 600% to start drawing. The so-called process is to draw such a large grid of small square tile on the vertical and horizontal direction, in order to quickly save time, you can click on "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to Grid (net alignment Georgia) "A, so that the grid will be very accurate reproduction on the move convenience (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Grid pattern woven

Needs to be emphasized that this approach despite the age-old graphic design but has a very rich decorative effect, is worth trying.

Draw four straight pattern

Continuous pattern is characterized by the Quartet in flat space to achieve this seamless vertical and horizontal launch. This would require drawing a precise positioning aids. Illustrator just provides a very useful "Smart guides (sensitive auxiliary)" mode, the settings in "View (view)" menu. Also needs to open the "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to points (point of alignment)." Rendering process shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Figure four consecutive

1. First, draw a rectangle, and then within the framework of this rectangle and draw the edges of some form. Note that this example leaves the left side of the head contour and shape is clearly beyond the border, or intersects with the left margin of the rectangle. The top of the spiral as well.

2. Select the rectangle and the head contour and leaf shape, the cursor on the rectangle's upper left corner point ("Smart guides" would clearly suggest: Anchor), press the keyboard "Alt" key, copy and move to the right.灏嗘墍澶嶅埗鐨勭煩褰㈢殑宸︿笂瑙掔偣涓庡師鏉ラ偅涓煩褰㈢殑鍙充笂瑙掔偣锛堚?Smart guides鈥濅細娓呮鍦版彁绀猴細Anchor锛夊榻愩?鐜板湪锛屽浘妗堝湪妯悜涓婄殑鏃犵紳鎷兼帴宸叉病鏈夐棶棰樸?

銆??3. 鍚屾牱锛岃淇濊瘉鍥炬鍦ㄧ旱鍚戜笂鐨勬棤缂濇嫾鎺ワ紝杩樻槸鐢ㄤ笂杩版柟娉曞皢鍘熸潵閭d釜鐭╁舰鍜屼笂鏂圭殑铻烘棆绾垮悜涓嬪鍒跺榻愬嵆鍙?

銆??4. 灏嗗墠鍚庡鍒跺嚭鐨勪袱涓煩褰㈠垹闄ゃ?姝ゆ椂锛屼綘鍙互瀵瑰浘褰綔涓?簺鍚庢湡鍔犲伐锛屽皢鏌愪簺绾挎潯鍙互杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互鍔犲己鍏惰瑙変笂鐨勮繛缁劅銆?br />
銆??5. 閫夋嫨鏈?垵鐨勯偅涓煩褰紝灏嗗叾鍙犳斁娆″簭璋冭嚦鏈?墠锛屽苟灏嗗叾杈规绾胯缃负鏃犮?娉ㄦ剰锛岃繖涓?缃潪甯稿叧閿?

銆??6. 閫夋嫨鍏ㄩ儴鍥惧舰锛屽湪缂栬緫鑿滃崟涓嬬偣閫夆?Define pattern锛堝畾涔夊浘妗堬級鈥濄?鐭╁舰妗嗘灦鑼冨洿浠ュ唴鐨勫浘褰㈠皢鎴愪负涓?釜瀹屾暣鐨勩?鏃犵紳鎷兼帴鐨勫洓鏂硅繛缁浘妗堬紝浣犲彲浠ュ皢鍏跺~鍏呭埌浠绘剰褰㈢姸鐨勫浘妗嗕腑鍘汇?

銆??鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎵?皳鍥㈣姳鍥炬锛屽氨鏄皢鍥惧舰娌跨壒瀹氳酱蹇冧綔鍦嗗懆甯冨垪銆傚彜浠婁腑澶栫殑鍥㈣姳鍥炬鍙皳澶氱澶氭牱銆佸紓褰╃悍鍛堛?Illustrator鎻愪緵鐨勨?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆伐鍏峰彲浠ヨ繀閫熷噯纭湴杩涜鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒躲?浣犲彧闇??瀹氱壒瀹氱殑鍥惧舰锛屽湪鈥淏rush锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉块?鎷┾? New brush锛堟柊绗斿埛锛夆?锛岀劧鍚庨?鎷┾?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆氨瀹屾垚浜嗗垵姝ヨ缃?鐜板湪锛屼綘鍙互缁樺埗涓?釜姝e渾褰紝灏嗗垰鎵嶅畾涔夌殑鍥炬绗斿埛璧嬬粰鍏惰疆寤撳睘鎬у嵆鍙?


銆??锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉夸腑鍙屽嚮鏌愪竴鍥炬绗斿埛锛屽彲浠ヨ皟鍑哄叾璁剧疆瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝浠ヤ究杩涗竴姝ョ簿纭瀹氬浘褰㈠湪浣滃渾鍛ㄥ竷鍒楁椂鍏跺ぇ灏忋?闂磋窛绛夌瓑銆?br />

鍥?涓嶅悓鐨勫浘妗?br />


銆??濡傚浘4鍜屽浘5鎵?ず锛屽洟鑺卞浘妗堢ず渚嬶紝鍥炬涓婃柟涓烘墍鐢ㄧ瑪鍒枫?濡傚浘6鍜屽浘7鎵?ず锛屼负浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤銆?br />

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬1

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬2

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤1

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤2

銆??杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾锛岀煩褰㈣竟妗嗚楗板浘妗堟湁涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堜箣鍒嗐?鍦ㄧ‘瀹氫富浣撳浘妗堢殑鍩虹涓婏紝濡備綍杩涗竴姝ュ鍔犺闅呭浘妗堢殑璁剧疆鍛紵 Steps are as follows:

銆??1. 棣栧厛鍑嗗濂界浉鍏崇殑鍥惧舰浣滀负瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屾敞鎰忥紝涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堝簲淇濇寔绾靛悜灏哄涓?嚧锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??2. 閫夋嫨瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屽悓鏃舵寜涓嬮敭鐩樹笂鐨勨?Alt鈥濋敭锛屽皢鍏舵嫋鏀捐嚦绗斿埛闈㈡澘涓富浣撳浘妗堢殑宸︿晶锛屽湪绱ц窡鐫?烦鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑妫?煡涓?笅璇ュ浘妗堟槸鍚﹀凡鏀剧疆鍦ㄤ簲涓畾浣嶆柟鏍间腑鐨勭浜屼釜锛屽鏋滄槸锛屽垯鎸変笅鈥淥K鈥濇寜閽?

銆??3. 鐜板湪锛岀粯鍒朵竴涓悎閫傚ぇ灏忕殑鐭╁舰锛屽皢鍒氭墠璁剧疆鐨勭瑪鍒疯祴浜庡叾杈规灞炴?鍗冲彲銆?br />
銆??鍦↖llustrator涓紝鈥淧attern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濈殑璁剧疆鍗佸垎绮剧‘锛屽彲浠ヤ娇鎴戜滑闈炲父缁嗚嚧鍦扮‘瀹氳竟妗嗙殑涓讳綋銆佸唴澶栨姌瑙掋?璧峰鍜屾敹灏鹃儴浣嶇殑鍥炬锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 鍑ら笩鍥?br />
銆??閫傚悎绾规牱鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??灏嗗浘妗堟斁缃埌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸涓幓骞朵娇涔嬩笌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸鐩搁?搴旓紝鏄汉缁囧搧璁捐銆佸櫒鐨胯璁′互鍙婂缓绛戣楗拌璁′腑缁忓父瑕佽В鍐崇殑闂銆侷llustrator涓殑鈥淎rt brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濆鏋滀娇鐢ㄥ緱褰擄紝涔熻鍙互缁欐垜浠甫鏉ヤ竴浜涙剰鎯充笉鍒扮殑鍒涙剰銆傝濡傦紝灏嗗嚖楦熷浘褰㈠厛瀹氫箟鎴愨?Art brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濓紝鍐嶅皢鍏惰祴浜庝袱鏉′氦閿欑殑寮х嚎锛屾垜浠緱鍒颁竴骞呮き鍦嗗舰鐨勯?鍚堢汗鏍凤紝鏁堟灉濡傚浘10鎵?ず銆?br />

鍥?0 閫傚悎绾规牱



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