Saturday, October 23, 2010

EDI array of 42 disks to restore all 3 groups Raid5 Raiders

EDI6600FF series is a high-performance Fibre Channel storage products, EDI6600FF of a disk subsystem can support 14 disks, when you need more storage capacity, can connect up to 8 sub-systems to achieve the total capacity of 112 drives.

This case is an expansion of the main cabinet and the cabinet composed of the three Group 4 raid5

Fault Description:

As the Raid card hardware failure, resulting in 4 groups Raid5 in the 3 groups on the system is not aware of. Array data is very important, even if replacement Raid card, reconfigure raid information, we can not guarantee data security. After further consideration, the customer decided to find a relatively safe way to back up data and then decide to replace hardware.


The face in front of 42 from the array of pull down the size of the optical interface 146GB hard drive, technical engineer without extensive experience and deep knowledge of data recovery, one can not calm themselves, and second, convince customers. Escort age boys calmly took up the project.

The first step to determine the hard disk block number from 1-42, the first group, second, third fault Raid5 composed by 14 disk. Each raid of 14 tray is not a node 14 disk, but a few nodes in the set are, fortunately hardware engineers in the configuration when the raid made a detailed record, saving the session from 42 of which is a group of 14 disk raid5 time, raid5 disk group to confirm successful completion.

The second step, a step toward analyzing the underlying data raid data recovery is the most critical step, in fact, as long as the analysis of data from a raid5 combination rules out the other two groups also logical. With experience in the future, raid5 is the most common and relatively easy to analyze, unlike HP RAID ADG, Raid1 + e, Raid1 extended so as a. Engineers quickly analyze the data combination rules.

The third step, re-analysis of the data if the data is a key step toward, then re-data is the core technology. Escort times with independent intellectual property "frigate" Raid data re software, data can be reorganized any one of the Raid. Some data recovery companies Whenever an algorithm is more complex raid, with the market of data recovery software can not do it, is deemed irreparable. It is simply not professional skills, with second-rate or foreign cracked version free data recovery software to restore the high-end raid failure, can only take a chance, there is no theoretical and technical support. "Frigate" raid recovery technology, which in theory can prove fault is incorrigible, and which can not be saved.

Problems encountered in practice:

Accidents will happen, people have good and bad fortune overnight. In the data recovery process, the data have not demonstrated before in your eyes, you must not say OK, because there are more uncertainties in the head. Originally thought that the first group of raid failure re very well, did not expect this 14 plate with a plate identification is not normal, and we are missing data in this block of plate reorganization, combination did not expect to find a 70GB disk, when a large number of physical bad Road, we can terminate the program. When they find raid5 in two and two or more physical disk failure occurs, data recovery to the person's mood at this stage is the most depressing and uncomfortable. But the rule of thumb, we decided to have bad sectors on the hard drive alone to be a mirror, and then re-image file. It is not, can only repair a disk does not recognize the piece. Finally overcome all difficulties and successfully recovered all the data.


In the high-end storage device fails, the first thought is the importance of data, in fact, this is a sense of thinking and backup. If the data is very important, we recommend not to make any exaggerated faulty equipment operation (refer to Rebuild, initialization, synchronization of data, to redistribute the raid, etc.), these operations are more fatal, is irreversible. To seek a professional data recovery company, to provide you with a reasonable recovery plan, you can rest assured that your hard drive to send the operating table. Those non-professional company, if asked to provide the array card or server to do recovery, you should consider its technical reliability.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Design art painting - Using Illustrator drawing pattern

Computer graphics software, a considerable portion of the power of making handmade crafts can be omitted, in portfolio design composition and deformation is able to bring about unexpected ideas. Personnel in the design of loss on preferred drawing software, Illustrator graphics for its diverse practices and precise positioning aids, graphic design has become the first choice.

Writing Tools: Illustrator 10

Drawing grid pattern woven

Jingwei Textile composition based on compounds to generate the pattern is very old design. In Illustrator, you only need to "Preferences (preferences)," cut out the "Guides and Grid (auxiliary line and the grid)" dialog box, set a good "Grid (grid)" intervals, and then "View (view) "menu and click on" Show Grid (show grid). " In my experience, it is best to set the grid contains 40 decile per inch, and then enlarge the drawing area 300 to 600% to start drawing. The so-called process is to draw such a large grid of small square tile on the vertical and horizontal direction, in order to quickly save time, you can click on "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to Grid (net alignment Georgia) "A, so that the grid will be very accurate reproduction on the move convenience (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Grid pattern woven

Needs to be emphasized that this approach despite the age-old graphic design but has a very rich decorative effect, is worth trying.

Draw four straight pattern

Continuous pattern is characterized by the Quartet in flat space to achieve this seamless vertical and horizontal launch. This would require drawing a precise positioning aids. Illustrator just provides a very useful "Smart guides (sensitive auxiliary)" mode, the settings in "View (view)" menu. Also needs to open the "View (view)" menu under the "Snap to points (point of alignment)." Rendering process shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Figure four consecutive

1. First, draw a rectangle, and then within the framework of this rectangle and draw the edges of some form. Note that this example leaves the left side of the head contour and shape is clearly beyond the border, or intersects with the left margin of the rectangle. The top of the spiral as well.

2. Select the rectangle and the head contour and leaf shape, the cursor on the rectangle's upper left corner point ("Smart guides" would clearly suggest: Anchor), press the keyboard "Alt" key, copy and move to the right.灏嗘墍澶嶅埗鐨勭煩褰㈢殑宸︿笂瑙掔偣涓庡師鏉ラ偅涓煩褰㈢殑鍙充笂瑙掔偣锛堚?Smart guides鈥濅細娓呮鍦版彁绀猴細Anchor锛夊榻愩?鐜板湪锛屽浘妗堝湪妯悜涓婄殑鏃犵紳鎷兼帴宸叉病鏈夐棶棰樸?

銆??3. 鍚屾牱锛岃淇濊瘉鍥炬鍦ㄧ旱鍚戜笂鐨勬棤缂濇嫾鎺ワ紝杩樻槸鐢ㄤ笂杩版柟娉曞皢鍘熸潵閭d釜鐭╁舰鍜屼笂鏂圭殑铻烘棆绾垮悜涓嬪鍒跺榻愬嵆鍙?

銆??4. 灏嗗墠鍚庡鍒跺嚭鐨勪袱涓煩褰㈠垹闄ゃ?姝ゆ椂锛屼綘鍙互瀵瑰浘褰綔涓?簺鍚庢湡鍔犲伐锛屽皢鏌愪簺绾挎潯鍙互杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互鍔犲己鍏惰瑙変笂鐨勮繛缁劅銆?br />
銆??5. 閫夋嫨鏈?垵鐨勯偅涓煩褰紝灏嗗叾鍙犳斁娆″簭璋冭嚦鏈?墠锛屽苟灏嗗叾杈规绾胯缃负鏃犮?娉ㄦ剰锛岃繖涓?缃潪甯稿叧閿?

銆??6. 閫夋嫨鍏ㄩ儴鍥惧舰锛屽湪缂栬緫鑿滃崟涓嬬偣閫夆?Define pattern锛堝畾涔夊浘妗堬級鈥濄?鐭╁舰妗嗘灦鑼冨洿浠ュ唴鐨勫浘褰㈠皢鎴愪负涓?釜瀹屾暣鐨勩?鏃犵紳鎷兼帴鐨勫洓鏂硅繛缁浘妗堬紝浣犲彲浠ュ皢鍏跺~鍏呭埌浠绘剰褰㈢姸鐨勫浘妗嗕腑鍘汇?

銆??鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎵?皳鍥㈣姳鍥炬锛屽氨鏄皢鍥惧舰娌跨壒瀹氳酱蹇冧綔鍦嗗懆甯冨垪銆傚彜浠婁腑澶栫殑鍥㈣姳鍥炬鍙皳澶氱澶氭牱銆佸紓褰╃悍鍛堛?Illustrator鎻愪緵鐨勨?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆伐鍏峰彲浠ヨ繀閫熷噯纭湴杩涜鍥㈣姳鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒躲?浣犲彧闇??瀹氱壒瀹氱殑鍥惧舰锛屽湪鈥淏rush锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉块?鎷┾? New brush锛堟柊绗斿埛锛夆?锛岀劧鍚庨?鎷┾?Pattern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濆氨瀹屾垚浜嗗垵姝ヨ缃?鐜板湪锛屼綘鍙互缁樺埗涓?釜姝e渾褰紝灏嗗垰鎵嶅畾涔夌殑鍥炬绗斿埛璧嬬粰鍏惰疆寤撳睘鎬у嵆鍙?


銆??锛堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濋潰鏉夸腑鍙屽嚮鏌愪竴鍥炬绗斿埛锛屽彲浠ヨ皟鍑哄叾璁剧疆瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝浠ヤ究杩涗竴姝ョ簿纭瀹氬浘褰㈠湪浣滃渾鍛ㄥ竷鍒楁椂鍏跺ぇ灏忋?闂磋窛绛夌瓑銆?br />

鍥?涓嶅悓鐨勫浘妗?br />


銆??濡傚浘4鍜屽浘5鎵?ず锛屽洟鑺卞浘妗堢ず渚嬶紝鍥炬涓婃柟涓烘墍鐢ㄧ瑪鍒枫?濡傚浘6鍜屽浘7鎵?ず锛屼负浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤銆?br />

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬1

鍥? 鍥㈣姳鍥炬2

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤1

鍥? 浜屾柟杩炵画鍥炬涓庡洟鑺卞浘妗堢殑缁勫悎杩愮敤2

銆??杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾锛岀煩褰㈣竟妗嗚楗板浘妗堟湁涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堜箣鍒嗐?鍦ㄧ‘瀹氫富浣撳浘妗堢殑鍩虹涓婏紝濡備綍杩涗竴姝ュ鍔犺闅呭浘妗堢殑璁剧疆鍛紵 Steps are as follows:

銆??1. 棣栧厛鍑嗗濂界浉鍏崇殑鍥惧舰浣滀负瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屾敞鎰忥紝涓讳綋鍥炬鍜岃闅呭浘妗堝簲淇濇寔绾靛悜灏哄涓?嚧锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 杈规鍥炬鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??2. 閫夋嫨瑙掗殔鍥炬锛屽悓鏃舵寜涓嬮敭鐩樹笂鐨勨?Alt鈥濋敭锛屽皢鍏舵嫋鏀捐嚦绗斿埛闈㈡澘涓富浣撳浘妗堢殑宸︿晶锛屽湪绱ц窡鐫?烦鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑妫?煡涓?笅璇ュ浘妗堟槸鍚﹀凡鏀剧疆鍦ㄤ簲涓畾浣嶆柟鏍间腑鐨勭浜屼釜锛屽鏋滄槸锛屽垯鎸変笅鈥淥K鈥濇寜閽?

銆??3. 鐜板湪锛岀粯鍒朵竴涓悎閫傚ぇ灏忕殑鐭╁舰锛屽皢鍒氭墠璁剧疆鐨勭瑪鍒疯祴浜庡叾杈规灞炴?鍗冲彲銆?br />
銆??鍦↖llustrator涓紝鈥淧attern brush锛堝浘妗堢瑪鍒凤級鈥濈殑璁剧疆鍗佸垎绮剧‘锛屽彲浠ヤ娇鎴戜滑闈炲父缁嗚嚧鍦扮‘瀹氳竟妗嗙殑涓讳綋銆佸唴澶栨姌瑙掋?璧峰鍜屾敹灏鹃儴浣嶇殑鍥炬锛堝鍥?锛夈?

鍥? 鍑ら笩鍥?br />
銆??閫傚悎绾规牱鐨勭粯鍒?br />
銆??灏嗗浘妗堟斁缃埌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸涓幓骞朵娇涔嬩笌鐗瑰畾褰㈢姸鐩搁?搴旓紝鏄汉缁囧搧璁捐銆佸櫒鐨胯璁′互鍙婂缓绛戣楗拌璁′腑缁忓父瑕佽В鍐崇殑闂銆侷llustrator涓殑鈥淎rt brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濆鏋滀娇鐢ㄥ緱褰擄紝涔熻鍙互缁欐垜浠甫鏉ヤ竴浜涙剰鎯充笉鍒扮殑鍒涙剰銆傝濡傦紝灏嗗嚖楦熷浘褰㈠厛瀹氫箟鎴愨?Art brush锛堣壓鏈瑪鍒凤級鈥濓紝鍐嶅皢鍏惰祴浜庝袱鏉′氦閿欑殑寮х嚎锛屾垜浠緱鍒颁竴骞呮き鍦嗗舰鐨勯?鍚堢汗鏍凤紝鏁堟灉濡傚浘10鎵?ず銆?br />

鍥?0 閫傚悎绾规牱



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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dream Team's future

Global PC industry, more rich than people imagine the potential and optimism. According to the authoritative survey data show that the size of the global PC industry has now reached 200 billion U.S. dollars. If you take 10% of which would be 20 billion U.S. dollars - enough to outstanding achievements in a global enterprise. At the same time, the notebook, in this new trend of 3C integration, driven, PC sound and rapid industrial growth. This PC makers brought fascination space.

But the PC industry has been quietly changing the rules of the game. The current PC industry has entered an era of global competition, into a competition between giants. Competition fierce competition involved were, are unprecedented. As the basis of domestic third-largest global PC maker, Lenovo natural pressure is not easy. But the association is confident and the ability to win this Shijizhizhan.

In 2005, Lenovo Greater China sales overall completion rate of 124.8%, double the brand to enhance overall market share to 37.09 percent, the association of leap-forward development of international road map, and wrote a splendid touch. In 2006, with Lenovo's unique dual-brand, dual business model of dream team, as well as international platform edge gradually manifest, Lenovo will also usher in a great future.

In the global PC industry, not a company with such a dual-brand Lenovo (IBM and lenovo) and dual-mode (relational and transactional customers customers) the combination, this unique combination, will bring "1 +1> 2 "effect. In product mix, with its own advantages and characteristics of the lenovo brand and the Think brand, to ensure the independence of one another, while an organic collaboration, strong product portfolio to fully cover the association's reach to the consumer from the business, from SMEs to large enterprises various types of customers. Two-brand synergies to further widen its association with the distance competitors. At the same time, lenovo and Think integrated businesses, but also spawned the most comprehensive international channel system - the former IBM PCD and Lenovo have all the original with "a strong channel," the crowd behind, and now, the total size of the new Lenovo's channel reach a record of 10,000, which means that its Chinese market penetration and influence have reached an unprecedented level of technology capabilities and customer service capabilities are greatly enhanced.

In order to better integrate "Lenovo + IBM" of the brand, Lenovo further optimize the "customer-oriented" strategy, the customer base clearly divided into two categories, one for large enterprises based relational (relational) consumption persons, or by small and medium enterprises and individual consumers based transaction type (transaction) the consumer. Under the dual brand, Lenovo set up a unique dual business model in China, focus on customer relational model, focusing on transactions in foreign-based customer model. In the past, IBM's PC business is about 75% by the "relational" customer digestion; and Lenovo in China has more than half (60% -70%) of the business locked in "transactional" customers - both of complementarity between very obvious. Through "equal treatment of relational and transactional consumers consumers", Lenovo will successfully achieve two major brand business resources seamless. In 2006, the dual-mode will also continue to deepen and improve, through continued strengthening of the brand store, maintain the leading position to build a retail model; small and medium enterprises through the establishment of an absolute marketing model, to enhance the efficiency of sales operations, and bundle-like multi-product sales, the bigger and stronger patterns of local customers. At the same time, established a global collaboration of a large customer sales model, to develop multinational market, this dual-mode constantly with the times, certainly makes the Lenovo invincible.

Legend of the Dream Team, but also rely on Lenovo's team and a large channel power Lenovo. On May 18 last year, Lenovo held a historic Boao Conference, released an integrated distribution strategy, to the world proclaimed the Declaration on the Boao great association. Normandy, followed by a program, the Apollo program. 2005 to create a new track record, provides a powerful support. May 18 this year, Lenovo for the first time overseas, to channel the General Assembly held in Thailand, is also a story to the General Assembly a strategic foresight. This is a Lenovo will also learn and grow, self-transcendence of the coordinated development of the General Assembly. For the higher goals in 2006, accumulated a sufficient strength.

In 2006, Lenovo will be leaps and bounds and writing a brilliant curve. Although the target is very difficult, but we have reason to believe that with independence

Special dual-mode dual-brand and fantastic combination of power, the elite team with Lenovo Lenovo channel partners and large collaborative efforts, combined with Lenovo's acquisition and the potential role of Olympic sponsorship, Lenovo will be able to achieve our projected goals, and create a brilliant performance .

Links: 518 channels of the General Assembly to boost

Lenovo 518 spectacular way with the General Assembly introduced the Lenovo's channel strategy in the new year. The Assembly's strategy for the channel current interpretation of real practical problems for large customers, SMB and retail three major markets, precision deployment, introduced a new channel for the policy year. Channels have a strong response, said they think the market is very clear and precise grasp of the new year's strategy is to channel into a huge boost. 518 General Assembly this year to Lenovo and Lenovo channel partners to close a large integrate won wide recognition channels.

Large customer market for Lenovo's two-brand strategy, channel operators have agreed to this. Shenyang Li Ding Technology Development Co., Ltd. General Manager Yang Pao said: "It 06 fiscal year of double-brand strategy is to associate the previous mode of inheritance and development strategies in the new year, the association of this mode of operation of thinking more deeply, dual-mode and more mature. This strategy is tailored to the situation of the domestic market, which helps dealers team coordination, which makes a lot of dealers benefit. "The market for large customers specific operational practices, channel operators are also very concern. Guangzhou Love Union Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President Wang Jue said: "This year a large customer market, Lenovo strengthened with the channels of cooperation, the two sides work together to develop customers, this is very good, so that channels that more staying power of the." Yang Pao net said: "This year the main direction of our customers clearer and more focused, we are clear in which direction the efforts, this is very good."

For the SMB market, Lenovo's channel partners agreed that this is a significant increase in the proportion of the market, including Lenovo's dual-mode strategy for this market is a powerful guide. Mr. Yang Baochun said: "The dual-mode strategy can be described as a kind of pioneering work in the Chinese market, Lenovo's distribution system, it provides a way out. And dual-mode strategy to make more refined products, will give full play to the strength of channel system, and the strategy most exciting is that it allows channels to achieve a flat, to the channel for more space and avoid the channel conflict, it makes sense for channels Yunzuo. "Yang-day series for the strategy, Yang Pao pure deep Biaoshi Identity: "Young-day channel strategy is very clear, its various systems are also very much in line with China's national conditions, operate very targeted."

Retail market is the incremental market in recent years a large piece of the retail market this year, strengthening the level of 1,4 and 5,6-class market division of the market, made for different markets targeted strategy. Wang Jue told reporters: "Previously in the notebook market, Lenovo's strategy to benefit our company, our laptop is a piece of important business, the market is the largest increment. This year there will be a notebook market is expected to substantial growth in notebook will become the main market. how to take this opportunity that we think important issues. In this year's 518 meeting, I am pleased to see this piece of Lenovo is very deep, for the widescreen, wireless, etc. to grasp the trend is very accurate and realistic market reaction. and Lenovo notebook products, strategies, deployment of all aspects of precision, so that our channel is a very big support. "Yang Pao was pure 5,6 Lenovo consumer desktop class market "million project" is deeply touched, he said: "In other markets increasingly saturated, the association pioneered the development proposed 5,6-level market strategy, others have not yet finished layout before action, this step chess go very clever. 5,6-level market is the highlight of the market today, our company also benefited from a lot of this strategy, 5,6-class market has become one of our important business. this year, Lenovo has also put forward ' million project 'The grand goal, while the channel to support the proposed "ladder" system policy. see, think with a more targeted and feasible way in deepening the development of this market. 5,6-level market outlook unlimited, with the support of these strategies, we feel more energetic of the. "

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